...common consensus seems to be that she just couldn't wait & so is shitting in the sink. pure fucking filth these nothern birds ah tell thee.
LOL, well i was in two minds of saying that but far be it from me to lower the tone, as if id ever do such a thing
does look like shes eigther busting one out, or has shat her self and the thong she is wearing is forcing the chutney out through the cheesewire consequently cutting it into 2 pieces which hurtle to the ground like comets from space, only to enter the atmosphere and be blasted not by the atmospheric pressure but the combination of b&q bathroom floor tiles and the gravity which is pulling the wolfbait downwards.
im so glad youlowered the tone m8
If this is an OSAer on behalf of myself and Elev8 i appologise, but you must admit, it does look like you going to fire a turtle