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betty spaghetti

New member
Nov 21, 2006
haha -

the twins are best mates with my gf... they are all meant to be moving into house together for 2nd year of uni but cant see that happening now... all there mates have been getting hounded by the press for any stories n that on em!.. mad...

LOL...Ive said to my best mate if she ever went in, Id sell some completley made up, fabricated, over blown, untrue stories about her, good ones tho, so when she came out, we would be able to go on massive holiday with the winnings :cool:


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Latest news:

The Big Brother housemates have been set their first task since arriving in the house - going head to head in a breakdancing tournament.

The house has been divided into two 'Crews' for the task, with Shabnam and Carole chosen as Crew leaders by their fellow housemates.

Chanelle, Tracey, Laura and Charley are members of Shabnam's Crew, while Carole's consists of Sam and Amanda, Nicky, Lesley and Emily.

Each Crew member will have to take part in a series of individual breakdance routines against a member of the opposing Crew.

They should also aim to incorporate a number of classic breakdancing moves, including the Toprock, the Backspin and the Caterpillar, into their routines. However points will be given for originality.

Crew members have also been provided with outfits which they must wear when practising and performing their routines.

A professional breakdancer, Drew from the Foundation Breakdancing Crew, will be judging the individual battles. The winning Crew will receive a reward.

betty spaghetti

New member
Nov 21, 2006
my birds on the front of the daily mirror with one of them today! fucking mad!! shes had ofers to sell pics of em all - so if there getting pics without her consent anyways she might aswell!

Fuck yeah, so long as it werent owt incriminating or making em look bad more the opposite Id get it done :D


New member
Apr 14, 2007
The bloke who has gone in is called 'Ziggy' .. What sort of a name is that?.. Unless you're in an 80's Grange Hill type show? ..His real name's Zak.. He's the 1 who chooses the 1st 1's up to be booted out... Hmm? Wonder who he'll pick?..

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
sos to all peeps who like it, i hate it.:moonie:

sos buts its " shite " :p :p :p :p :p :p

The concept was not shite when it was original, but the sad excuses of human life and the manipulation/selection of them are/is shite.

When it first started the "contestants" really were quite naive as to how famous they were by the time they came out. Now they are painfully aware of how "famous" they will be if they get in. Hense the never ending queue of Quasi human freaks that populate our screens. (or in my case tabloid newspaper!)

Desparate, trashy, soul destroying, vacant, boring, drip-fed, addictive TV.

Hey, but that's just my opinion and were all free to do what we want, so what is Mr Radish on about!!!!!!!!??

To be honest it could be fab and I'm missing out as (probably not though) I droppped out early in season 2.

Then again, what am I doing . .. . sitting on an internet forum writing pompous notes ??? It's all very confusing LOL!:fekked:

Miss C

New member
May 18, 2003
New York
That guy is a greaseball, they could at least have put something pleasent to look at in there...:gigolo:

Don't think the range of characters is diverse enough for it to be that interesting this time.

Don't see why people hate reality TV so much? Surely its more respectable than soaps!?

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
Don't see why people hate reality TV so much? Surely its more respectable than soaps!?

I'm not sure?? At least some soaps have a history and a thread to them, however basic. If we were talking a choice between Hollyoaks and BB, well . . . .there's no choice there I guess!!

Corrie has it's moments and to be honest that's the only soap I ever watch, but don't make an effort to tune in. Tend to be out walking the dog, an altogether more pleasing passtime for me.

People hate reality TV, because it's cheap, plastic, throw away viewing. It provides little in the way of real entertainment. I mean take an average BB episode. If you edit out all the sitting around, in an hour show I doubt you would have more than 3 minutes of real pay attention stuff? If that was a film at the cinema, you would have walked out and gone for a pint!

It is also loathed by people like me because it is a misnomer to call it reality TV. It is anything but reality! How can it be reality, when BB is full of hand picked freaks who all know they are on camera and will do anything to get noticed. The worst thing I can do is encourage them by watching!

That's just my opinion and I realise we are all different which is cool. That's what the remote control is for I guess!:thumbsup:
People hate reality TV, because it's cheap, plastic, throw away viewing. It provides little in the way of real entertainment. I mean take an average BB episode. If you edit out all the sitting around, in an hour show I doubt you would have more than 3 minutes of real pay attention stuff? If that was a film at the cinema, you would have walked out and gone for a pint!

It is also loathed by people like me because it is a misnomer to call it reality TV. It is anything but reality! How can it be reality, when BB is full of hand picked freaks who all know they are on camera and will do anything to get noticed. The worst thing I can do is encourage them by watching!

That's just my opinion and I realise we are all different which is cool. That's what the remote control is for I guess!:thumbsup:


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