old cars dont ya just love em

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northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
ooh saw one of these this morning! made me proper laugh out loud as memories came flooding back of a mate of mine and her boyfriend and all the tales she told about his car when we were about 18!! ;)

capri's cant believe they are even still on the road! lol

i had a mark 11 escort as my first car, bless it, it was red and i loved it - though my white battered peoguet (spelt wrong i know!) was my all time fav, as i did over 300,000miles in it and it never once let me down!

old cars - winners in my book!

so come on, do tell, what were your first cars and favourites??


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betty spaghetti

New member
Nov 21, 2006
My car is a blue clio 03...my second...my first one was a silver one, but that got broken...so got my blue one...looking at getting a sport at the end of the year, cos I want it to look sweeet :cool:

Aaaaages ago, before I could drive, I really wanted a Vauxhall Nova :$ I thought they looked the bees knees...then they brought the corsa out, I dont really like the older corsa, the new ones look like a mini astra (imo) the ones in before the newest ones were OK (imo) :D


New member
Dec 8, 2006
first motor was a chocolate brown mkII escort 1.3 gl with a vinyl roof:D

had mk1 golf gti's since then although my black 83 plate mk1 is in the lockup at the moment for some rest time, 25 years old next year

now running an audi A3 2.0 tdi sport


New member
Jan 20, 2005
Dodge City
My first one was a 1981 Chevette in pearl white a bit like this one.


It had four gears, heated rear windscreen, stereo cassette...the works :p

I used to traipse from Yorkshire over to Manchester on the M62 every week in it when me and the wife were 'courting'. On the way back, coming up the long hill between junctions 21 and 22 I used to have HGVs loaded with anvils and blast furnaces tearing past me. Great days.

Sadly I'm now very steady and have got a Focus and a new Astra...er, ultra cool. :cool:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Oh how i wish i knew how to work my scanner so i could post a pic of Brian (my first car) :D so you can all laugh at it , awww :D
I would also like to add that it wasnt my choice to call it that, or indeed, name it at all , but it just stuck |

Bought it for 150 quid when I was 16, in preparation for passing my test as soon as it was humanly possible , eager beaver lol (err i said beaver...) :p

it was a 1978 Talbot Sunbeam and was my pride and joy lol:D
crappy burgundy colour when i bought it but had full respray to make it metallic British Racing Green , one of my fave colours for a car :love:
add this to the alleycat alloys shotblasted and sprayed partly gold (oh the hours i used to spend sat out cleaning them with a tube of Autosol and a soft toothbrush, lmao) :D the bad-ass wide tyres (205's rear and 185's front) , disgustingly ace sound system with obligatory alpine cd player when they first came out, and silly amounts of speakers, bass bin / subwoofers etc.. , racing steering wheel and full roll cage (yes, you read right) :$ ........... well it looked like a right boy racers car :rofl: but in a reasonably subtle way (might not sound it, lol, but it was!) :D
It was my dream to be able to drop a V8 in it but sadly this wasnt to be :D

I loved it more than any other car ive had since :love: lol
and I cried when I had to scrap it :| :$

Ahh, memories...bless it :pmsl:

the diagonal on the roll cage was mint for braking and whacking peoples heads on in the back ifthey were pissing you off ;) :p
Capris! Love 'em, had quite a few over the years. My first car was a red 1974 Beetle, me and my mates went everywhere in that old heap. Cost £95 from Birmingham Car Auctions...:$ Although it was a complete wreck, I fell in love with Beetles and have had over a dozen of them since - including this one:


Which me and a few mates, plus a load of random strangers, painted at the Castlemorton Common rave. Forgive the cheesy family pics, they're all I've got left!

Favourite car ever though...close call between my Mach One Mustang:


and my Jensen Interceptor..7.2 litres of V8 monstrousness:


Currently knocking about in this:


I reckon I owned all my best cars in my twenties though, mostly ordinary stuff now :cry:


New member
Jun 6, 2007
Yeah - I'm afraid that I'm a bit of an old car nut! Haven't ever owned anything new, or that fashionable... I tend to have cars that people laugh at but I really don't care. I like them!

I recently bought this for £300 because I saw it for sale and fell in love with it - please don't laugh too much - it's got a leather/wood interior and all the toys that you could ask for in the 1980s ;-) Oh, and it's only done 25,000 miles in 20 years, with an old lady at the wheel!!


I also have this which is a real hoot to drive, although I swear I'm going to lose my license with it one day ;-)


northern minx

New member
Jan 10, 2003
the universe!
Yeah - I'm afraid that I'm a bit of an old car nut! Haven't ever owned anything new, or that fashionable... I tend to have cars that people laugh at but I really don't care. I like them!

had to laugh at this coz honestly it is just me!! lol
i also dont look after mine very well so when people get in they think it is a skip:$:eek: stuff everywhere! but i kinda like it!

am loving the photos on this thread of peoples cars :thumbsup::thumbsup:nice one:thumbsup:

li'l Sonz

New member
Apr 27, 2005
I've got myself a K-reg clio.

She's a beaut. Got loads of extras that came as standard when the car was new, sunroof, electric windows, central locking (although the keyfob dont work anymore) & cd player and speakers that got put in afterwards.

It's a 1.4 so pretty nippy too and I love her. She's done 106,000 but Lou-Lou's has done nearly 130,000 so I'm not too worried. Theres still life left in her yet! :D

It only cost me £300 as well! :D:D:D:D:D





Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
only got a pic of one of my cars online. Probs the best one I've had, lol ,was immaculate etc..
As for the colour...well, I think you either love it or hate it...I loved it :D

Impractical car though . Got rid of it after a year, so at least I didnt have the chance to ruin it :$ :p lol

Meet Boris :D :love:


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