The Originals..

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Active member
Jun 7, 2002
Can you remember any tunes that were altered mainly due to sample clearance, here's a few i can remember, is there anymore..

1 Zone Ranger - 2 be Real

original = Zone Ranger - 2 B Reel (uses bunny men samples)
redone = Zone Ranger - 2 B Reel

2 Bassheads - Is there anybody out there

original = Bassheads - Is There Anybody Out There (uses pink floyd / osmonds samples)
redone = Bassheads - Is There Anybody Out There?

3 Control - Dance with me

original = Control - Dance With Me (says Im ON extacy)
redone = Control - Dance With Me (I'm Your Ecstacy)

4 Roxanne Shante - Roxanne's Revenge

original = Roxanne Shanté - Roxanne's Revenge (unauthorised sample)
redone = Roxanne Shanté - Roxanne's Revenge (no sample)

5 Snap - The Power

original = Power Jam Featuring Chill Rob G - The Power (uses mantronix / chill rob g / Jocelyn Brown samples)
redone = Snap! - The Power

6 tin men - 18 strings

original = Tin Men (2) - 18 Strings (uses nirvana sample)
redone = Tinman - Eighteen Strings

7 soundsation - peace & joy

original = Soundsation - Peace & Joy (uses kravitz sample)
redone = Soundsation - Peace And Joy

8 starlight - numero uno

original = Starlight Invention Group - Numero Uno (uses aretha franklin vocals)
redone = Starlight - Numero Uno

9 blame - music takes you

original = Blame - Music Takes You (Seal Version) (uses seal vocal)
redone = Blame - Music Takes You

10 Epitome of hype - ladies with an attitude

original = Epitome Of Hype - Ladies With An Attitude (uses madonna vocal)
redone = Epitome Of Hype - Ladies With An Attitude

11 Full House - into tomorrow

original = Full House (4) - Into Tomorrow (uses Pulse vocal)
redone = Full House (4) - Into Tomorrow

12 Lisa Marie Experience - Keep On Jumpin

original = Lisa Marie Experience - Jumpin' (uses muzique samples)
redone = Lisa Marie Experience, The* - Keep On Jumpin'

13 Disco Citizens - right here, right now

original = Disco Citizens - Right Here, Right Now (diffo chords n beats)
redone = Disco Citizens - Right Here, Right Now

14 Brothers in rhythm - peace & harmony

original = Brothers In Rhythm - Peace And Harmony (uses whitney samples)
redone = Brothers In Rhythm - Such A Good Feeling

15 Frequency - Kiss The Sky

Original = Frequency (3) - Kiss The Sky (Hedrix - Purple Haze samples)
Redone = Frequency (3) - Kiss The Sky

16 Bass value - do you wanna party

original = Bass Value - Feelin' Happy / Do You Wanna Party? (diffo vocal used)
redone = Bass Value - Feelin' Happy / Do You Wanna Party?

17 M DJ Mad - Respect

original = M DJ M.A.D. - R.E.S.P.E.C.T. (uses aretha franklin sample)
redone = M.D.J. MAD* - R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

18 DJ Power - Everybody Pump

original = DJ Power - Everybody Pump (uses aretha franklin sample)
redone = DJ Power - Everybody Pump

19 N-Joi - Anthem

original = N-Joi - N-Joi (A Positive State Of Mind) (uses Gwen Guthrie vocal)
redone = N-Joi - Music From A State Of Mind (uses Saffron resung vocal)

20 Electric Choc - Shock The Beat

original = Electric Choc - Shock The Beat (uses aretha franklin vocals)
redone = Electric Choc - Shock The Beat

21 Bit Machine - Its Time

original = Bit Machine - It's Time (uses aretha franklin vocal)
redone = Bit Machine - It's Time (uses karen jones vocal)

22 Friends of Matthew - the calling

Original = Friends Of Matthew - The Calling (Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere / carpenters samples)
Redone = Friends Of Matthew - The Calling

23 Vitamino - what ive got

Original = Vitamino - What I've Got
Redone = Vitamino - What I've Got

24 Within A Dream - Where is the Feeling

Original = Within A Dream - Where Is The Feeling
Redone = Within A Dream - Where Is The Feeling

25 New Atlantic - I know

Original = New Atlantic - I Know
Redone = New Atlantic - I Know

26 Friends of Matthew - Out there

original = Friends Of Matthew - Out There (samples Human League - the lebanon / Dee D - Automatic Lover)
redone = Friends Of Matthew - Out There

27 Black box - ride on time

original = Black Box - Ride On Time (uses holloway vocal)
redone = Black Box - Ride On Time

28 A.S.H.A - JJ Tribute

original = A.S.H.A. - J.J. Tribute (uses Janis Joplin vocal)
redone = Ashah - J.J. Tribute

29 Nightmares On Wax - Dextrous

Original = Nightmares On Wax - Let It Roll (Voodoo Ray sample)
Redone = Nightmares On Wax - Dextrous

30 Gabrielle - Dreams

Original = Gabrielle - Dreams (Tracy Chapman - Fast Car samples)
Redone = Gabrielle - Dreams

31 Acen - Close Your Eyes (Remixes)

Original = Acen - Close Your Eyes (Remixes) (labelled Optikonfusion! with beatles sample)
Redone = Acen - Close Your Eyes (Remixes) (labelled Optikonfision! without beatles sample)

32 Gordons groove

Original = Lonnie Gordon vs. George Morel - Gordon's Groove (with Lonnie Gordon / George Morel samples)
Redone = Barkin Brothers - Gonna Catch You (Gordons Groove Mixes)

33 Source - you got the love

Original = Source, The - Love / Rock
Redone = Source, The - You Got The Love (re-recorded backing)

34 The Way It Is

Original = Various - Remix Culture 150
Redone = Chameleon (2) - The Way It Is

35 Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams

Original = Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams
Redone = Eurythmics - Angel / Sweet Dreams (Nightmare Mix)

36 Sub Sub - Space Face

Original = Sub Sub - Space Face (Slightly Different Beats / Phatter Press / Shorter Intro)
Redone = Sub Sub - Space Face (Longer Intro / Added whistle / scratch)

37 Push Button Technology - Just 4 U

Original = Various - Untitled (Electric Choc Beats)
Redone = Push Button Technology - Just 4 U (Remix)

38 Source, The - You Got The Love (Remix)

original = Promo Only of the 'Now Voyager Mix'
redone = Source, The - You Got The Love (Now Voyager Mix diffo to Promo Version)

39 Love Revolution - Give it to me baby

original = Love Revolution - Give It To Me Baby (uses Jason Load Experience - Mainline vocal)
redone = Love Revolution - Give It To Me Baby

40 Bizarre Inc vs. Blue Pearl - Playing With Pearls

original = Bizarre Inc vs. Blue Pearl - Playing With Pearls
or original = Various - Music Factory Mastermix - Issue 67
redone = Blue Pearl - (Can You) Feel The Passion

there always shite when they remake em without the original samples

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Jul 31, 2005
not sure if it was owt do with sample clearance, but ..

Orig Promo : Disco Citizens - Right here, Right Now - Disco Citizens - Right Here, Right Now

Full Commercial release : Disco Citizens - Right here, Right Now - Disco Citizens - Right Here, Right Now

The 'original' on Decon was redone using different cords than the 'parts 1 & 2' of the modena release (which was limited to 100 copies) and though the tune and beats are set out the same, the rehashed one doesnt sound half as good as the modena release. Class track, would never think it was a tune from 95. :king:
This type of thread gives me the faaaaakin horn :D

Bassheads - Is There Anybody Out There (Doors etc samples)

Bassheads - Is There Anybody Out There?

Friends Of Matthew - The Calling (Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere samples)

Friends Of Matthew - The Calling

Vitamino - What I've Got (ace tune)

Vitamino - What I've Got (shit)

Within A Dream - Where Is The Feeling

Within A Dream - Where Is The Feeling

New Atlantic - I Know (Still waiting on Jonno to get back to me :p )

New Atlantic - I Know

More when they come to me ;)
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New member
Jul 15, 2001
Incidentally the Bassheads samples the Osmonds - Craaaazy Horses, not the Capenters or the Doors.


New member
Jul 15, 2001
Did bit machine-Its Time have the vocals redone on the non italian release.
Both releases were Italian (same catalog# in fact I think :S ).

The later one was deffo re-sung by Karen Jones though.

I've got an outstanding query from VA on this tune as well :$ - see you're not the only one I ignore Shooms!
Lol, sorry Shooms :$

I'm pretty sure it is but I don't have a normal 3-Beat release to compare it to - I'll up you a sample for that one so you can make your own mind up.

right ive got this one - i did wonder what the difference was when i looked at how much they went for! :thumbsup:

The promo release of Say yes to Satan uses different beats.... it's a lot more fierce :)

It's the one Top Buzz made famous too :)


New member
Jul 15, 2001
nice one peeps :)

Shooms this is the one with the original samples.. Friends Of Matthew - Out There :thumbsup:
That's a different tune to the one Shooms mentioned, which was the Calling - although I thought that one sampled the Capenters - Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft rather than Fleetwood Mac (although that could be another part of the song).

Out There samples Dee D Jackson's cracking disco hit - Automatic Lover (not alot of people know that :condom: ).

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