Things you love but shouldn't.

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Rick Flair

Registered Member
Sep 21, 2007
The only things i actually set a reminder to watch- its such shallow tv, but so glorious :axe:. I really wanted Rebecca to win the Brit one, and i was gutted it was the one that did (so memorable i forgot her name).

Can't wait for Monday and the new yank one.

Tyra does have a cling on head though lol, and sometimes her weave looks well dodgy.

I like this too, i love the numbness is creates after the first few strips, and i love the icy air feeling you get afterwards when you leave the skin uncovered! I also find checking all the ripped out hairs quite satisfying an all, which is gross- like looking at a boggie or summat lol.

Hey, i'd love to get that bitch Tyra in a signiture figure four leg-lock, right after ive issued an illegal Knife edge chop to that surface she calls a forehead. Woo :thumbsup:


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Hey, i'd love to get that bitch Tyra in a signiture figure four leg-lock, right after ive issued an illegal Knife edge chop to that surface she calls a forehead. Woo :thumbsup:

Aye, but if it was a fore-head comp who has the most feck off one? Her, or that Van der Beak bloke offof Dawsons creek. His has some serious spare bonce g'wan on. He ain't holding extra brainage thats for sure, he is one thick mo fo.


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Hey, i'd love to get that bitch Tyra in a signiture figure four leg-lock, right after ive issued an illegal Knife edge chop to that surface she calls a forehead. Woo :thumbsup:

Lol are you related to Rex Kwon Do (Nap Dynamite) in some wierd wrestling/martial arts combo way? Your delivery of speech is very similar:)


New member
Sep 6, 2003
im loving peanut butter sandwichs :$ i know there horrid but i just cant get enough ...... come to think of it , its like a craving , oh my god no :S

Have you tried them with jam (yelly to the yanks), they're actually nice in a wierd way. I am gonna do the whole Elvis thang one day (no, not die on the shitter) and fry the little shits!


New member
Feb 19, 2005
Liverpool Laaaaa
ANY trashy reality or celeb related programme on cable such as 'Inside the mind of David Beckham' or 'Tara Reids Party Diary' to '100 hot celeb bodies' or 'the top 50 most shocking moments in rock'..I could watch them all day:$
Girls Aloud and Pussycat Dolls:$
Cold pizza or any left over buffet food, cold, dipped in salad cream eaten the next morning:$
Coming home from holiday no matter how beautiful the place was:D
The wind, rain and cold:D
Those magazines that old people read, Thats Life, Chat etc..I love the stories which usually involve how one woman's husband left her for her daughter, daughter gets pregnant only to discover months later the woman is pregnant too.Now they all live together in a council house which is two semis knocked through to make one big house and they all take turns to share the ugly bastards bed:king:
Corned Beef:$
Pastie on white bread with brown sauce:D
Looking forward to Saturday nights in with XFactor:$ (this also applies to the 'Signs you are getting old thread')


Registered Member
Sep 10, 2007
Lol theres loads!! :$

Americas / Britains Next Top Model :rolleyes:
Heat magazine :$
N Trance - Set Me Free :$
My Road Rage :mad: :rolleyes: :$
Moaning! :D
Plucking hairs!
Being waxed - I find the pain theraputic :)
Weetabix with butter on
Smoking :S
The Sugarbabes :$
Reality TV :$ I know its shit, but that why I love it!! :D

err that will do for now!

weetabix with butter on im laughing so much my eyes are watering
The only things i actually set a reminder to watch- its such shallow tv, but so glorious :axe:. I really wanted Rebecca to win the Brit one, and i was gutted it was the one that did (so memorable i forgot her name).

Can't wait for Monday and the new yank one.

Tyra does have a cling on head though lol, and sometimes her weave looks well dodgy.

Did you watch it then? ;)
Newp, i bloody forgot! Hopefully i will catch it on one of the Living Channels at some point before the next one. Was it good?

tut, tut call yourself a fan! :naughty: there was lots of screaming and tyra doing some mad army dancing :| there was also bitching already! :D

i like
America's Next Top Model 8

and America's Next Top Model 8 even tho thats a bad pic of her!

i think she will be good America's Next Top Model 8 but shes a nightmare!!

it gets repeated on tuesday at the same time, and i think it will be on an hour before the next one on monday (god how sad am i!! :$ )


New member
Sep 6, 2003
tut, tut call yourself a fan! :naughty: there was lots of screaming and tyra doing some mad army dancing :| there was also bitching already! :D

i like
America's Next Top Model 8

and America's Next Top Model 8 even tho thats a bad pic of her!

i think she will be good America's Next Top Model 8 but shes a nightmare!!

it gets repeated on tuesday at the same time, and i think it will be on an hour before the next one on monday (god how sad am i!! :$ )

Aye, i can't believe i forgot about it- its the highlight of my sorry ass week usually. I go mad if anyone comes into the room when its on- and i prac throw a fit if they dare talk to me lol- and thats with Sky Plus pause option.

Tyra, i like her in some ways, but she just over eggs it y'know. Do you remember cycle 5 or whatever, when that chinese girl was really bullied- i actually tink someone should of done something about that. Janice Dickenson went right down in my estimation then.

I like that British judge. he is one sexy mo fo! I also like Miss Jay lol.
Aye, i can't believe i forgot about it- its the highlight of my sorry ass week usually. I go mad if anyone comes into the room when its on- and i prac throw a fit if they dare talk to me lol- and thats with Sky Plus pause option.

Tyra, i like her in some ways, but she just over eggs it y'know. Do you remember cycle 5 or whatever, when that chinese girl was really bullied- i actually tink someone should of done something about that. Janice Dickenson went right down in my estimation then.

I like that British judge. he is one sexy mo fo! I also like Miss Jay lol.

lol! me and pauly have had many a 'heated discussion' about me watching this programme :rofl: I cant remember what he calls it now!! :rofl: he already knows that its 'my tv' on monday nights!!! :D

sometimes I like tyra and sometimes she annoys me. I never liked her when she was modelling years ago. I do like the fact shes not stick thin anymore, happens to the best of us love!

oh god that girl in cycle 5, was it jade? I felt sorry for that chinese girl, but she didnt really stick up for herself did she? I would have smacked that jade girl! :mad:

I like all the judges, but Nigel is my fave :love: Miss Jay is fabulous darling lol! :he she: