Utter fuckin scum

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Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
Something seriously needs to be done - the kids in this country are running riot and nothing is happening!!!!!!

so theyll get a jail snetance at worse - wtf theyll still be out to enjoy some of their life unlike this poor sole who has his robbed from him :mad: :mad:

Bastards arnt they!!!! :mad:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
I'm getting really sick of hearing about these fcuking scumbags who think they're above the law, or can do what they like because theres fook-all consequences to face afterwards anyway! :mad: most of them pick on people who are old, young, or less strong than they are , or attack them in groups of many against one ~ bound to 'win' those so-called fights then arent they? Brave hey? :rolleyes:
They probably cry like a baby once they're on their own and someone their own age or size tries to kick seven shades of fcukery out of them in prison though. Dont like it then do they?!

something needs doing about this and fast, they all keep bleating on about it but then do jack shit

did you see the pictures of that old lady that got beaten up at the weekend? disgusting. why dont some people have any sense of right and wrong anymore? :mad:
Susan Collins | Nicholas Hague | Face 'caved in' by killer | The Sun |HomePage|News|Sun Justice

makes me sick.
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Active member
Mar 21, 2005
Sickening aren't they!:(

Wish we could get to the root of what's causing the sickness in this country and do something about it:(

Northern Star

Staff member
May 10, 2004
On Cloud 9!!!
lack of fuckin discipline jim i think!!!

governments gone soft :naughty:

bring back the good old sargent major and their national service regime ;) 3 yrs of it for the little fuckers for a minor offence ;)


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I know Debs, but what's created that?

Easy benefits and housing giving rise to an explosion of single mums, killing the family units that other nations see as part of life?

School punishment ending and kids understanding their rights? Gone are the days of getting a good crack off your dad for bringing trouble to the neighbourhood and shame on the family. Parents are more likely to believe their kids are angels these days rather than taking the opinion of a teacher or neighbour.

Gangster culture helped by music and other media glorifying it?

Parents just not spending any/enough time with their kids?

I reckon a lot of factors have created these scummy kids of today with no respect for normal people.


Active member
Apr 8, 2006
Sickening aren't they!:(

Wish we could get to the root of what's causing the sickness in this country and do something about it:(

The mother of the 16-year-old has been charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice by washing her son's bloodstained clothes.

There is your answer Jiglo!

Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
Trouble is it's been well publicised that prisons in this country are bursting at the seams, and equally well publicised that the government won't build any more. What sort of message does that send to the little bastards who are fancying having a go at some poor victim?

I know the bleeding hearts will say banging people up isn't the answer, and they're right, but it's the only proper punishment measure we've got.

There's only one way to sort out violent crime that's as deep rooted in society as it is in ours these days. Zero tolerance. It worked in New York and it can work here. But at the end of the day everything comes down to money, and the government will never commit the (admittedly massive) funding it would require.

Put simply, there aren't enough votes to be won to justify it. They can just do what they do with the health service, public transport and education... That is to say run them into the ground, while making token gestures at funding based on performance and pleading poverty and tax increases every five minutes. It's all about PR where politicians are concerned unfortunately.

Funny how at the drop of a hat the treasury can commit 50 billion of taxpayers money to bail out Northern Rock though innit...


EDIT to add... good point Monty... the parents have to take a big part of the blame unfortunately.
The mother of the 16-year-old has been charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice by washing her son's bloodstained clothes.

There is your answer Jiglo!

EXACTLY what I was thinking earlier :thumbsup:

My Mum would march me down the copshop herself & testify in court if that were me - & quite right so...

Parents ! End of !


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
Discipline starts at home. I blame the parents, not the Government. I'd sterlize the whole family of all these twats. We don't them to continue breeding.


New member
Mar 18, 2004
Its scary that these animals are within our society :eek: Send em to the gas chambers:mad: they are not fit to be here...........Sorry but im a old fashioned like that. Only then will these animals think twice and be tamed


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Even if there was a zillion prison places available they probably wouldnt see it as a likely consequence, or even give a shit... it aint exactly bread and water and breaking rocks in them anyway.
Especially once they've been inside once and see that : loss of freedom/contact with their mates or family aside, its probably not as bad as all that after all, or as bad as they feared. Usually its the unknown that causes fear and if they know its not too bad theres even less incentive to stay out of trouble next time
Fuxsake, some little twats even wear it as a badge of pride / brag about "ive been inside" . :rolleyes: Big wow hardman :rolleyes:

Then plenty have the gall to bang on about their human rights being violated / threaten to sue etc.. well you know the answer next time if you dont like it ~ dont fecking go back again!

Also, some people have such shit living conditions / no-one who gives a shit on the outside they'd rather be in the nick! Roof over their head, 3 meals a day and seeing their 'mates'

My God, I know i'll sound about 90 years old saying this but if me or my brother had have even been within a sniff of getting in any trouble even half the severity of what those little bastards get up to, and think is ok, then my Grandad would've...well, I cant even bear to think what would've happened to us, he'd have bloody brained us :naughty:
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Sheikh Yerbouti

New member
Jan 4, 2008
Some**** Somewhere in Summertime
yeah... same here... my old man would have nipped anything like that in the bud 'in house' oldskool style.

i agree about prison, but it's the only deterrent we've got.
any kind of violent crime gets you banged up for a ridiculously disproportionate length of time. they'll soon learn.

prisons being holiday camps is another soapbox topic for me. i'd have them in chain gangs repairing roads or building more prisons for nowt.


Active member
Apr 11, 2006
yeah its sickening :mad: and its getting to be an everyday event:| i never really stepped out of line much as a kid cos i would get a bloody good hiding for it off my stepdad:( and i respected him for it, never took a slap undeserved btw, i was also scared of the police or at least wouldn't dare cheek them. trouble is these days the police dont hold no fear to todays youth. take a look at other countries, spain for instance, they will give a youth a slap or a good old whack with a baton, if he doesn't do as they are told. has anyone ever watched that costa del crime program, the police are pretty heavy handed when dealing with louts, and they seem to be respected and feared for it too. dont think there is an easy solution but its got to stop, maybee prison isn't the answer, but id throw them in jail and keep them there for as long as it takes. at least they are off the street. doesn't help though when i hear a report last week that out of a couple of hundred forign prisoners that we have tried to deport, only 1 has been sent back. cos their countries dont want them:confused: get them on a boat and dump them on their own countries beach then:crazy: or why not get the army back from iraq and get them out on our own streets to sort out our own war thats going on. this country needs to start getting tough and sharpish, zero tolerance, get caught with a blade 5years no question, caught using a blade as a weapon and its 10yr, and double for guns and so on, we have become far too soft, compared to other countries.
just as a quick example take a look at groovrider, sounds harsh but he wont do it again:eek: its time to get tough and punishment should mean exactly that. no taking offenders on adventure weekends etc, this country should make it very clear that if you want to do crime. you will do the time, no questions:naughty:


New member
Dec 20, 2007
serious question here.

are there any specific, perhaps not-so-obvious mannerisms or physical attributes that would send up a red flag to differentiate one of these characters from someone with an online persona such as...i don't know...

shooms. :p
serious question here.

are there any specific, perhaps not-so-obvious mannerisms or physical attributes that would send up a red flag to differentiate one of these characters from someone with an online persona such as...i don't know...

shooms. :p


I know I have an extremely warped & twisted sense of humour however I am extremely honourable, sensitive & endearingly sweet :D Plus I have a huge cock :thumbsup:

I'm such a paradox :D