yeah its sickening
and its getting to be an everyday event:| i never really stepped out of line much as a kid cos i would get a bloody good hiding for it off my stepdad
and i respected him for it, never took a slap undeserved btw, i was also scared of the police or at least wouldn't dare cheek them. trouble is these days the police dont hold no fear to todays youth. take a look at other countries, spain for instance, they will give a youth a slap or a good old whack with a baton, if he doesn't do as they are told. has anyone ever watched that costa del crime program, the police are pretty heavy handed when dealing with louts, and they seem to be respected and feared for it too. dont think there is an easy solution but its got to stop, maybee prison isn't the answer, but id throw them in jail and keep them there for as long as it takes. at least they are off the street. doesn't help though when i hear a report last week that out of a couple of hundred forign prisoners that we have tried to deport, only 1 has been sent back. cos their countries dont want them
get them on a boat and dump them on their own countries beach then
or why not get the army back from iraq and get them out on our own streets to sort out our own war thats going on. this country needs to start getting tough and sharpish, zero tolerance, get caught with a blade 5years no question, caught using a blade as a weapon and its 10yr, and double for guns and so on, we have become far too soft, compared to other countries.
just as a quick example take a look at groovrider, sounds harsh but he wont do it again
its time to get tough and punishment should mean exactly that. no taking offenders on adventure weekends etc, this country should make it very clear that if you want to do crime. you will do the time, no questions