Any mo fo bookeds?

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
Two great books i just finished.

This Book Will Save Your Life- newp, not some shite self help jizz about finding the inner you or learning to say no! (and meaning it)- but a really great bit of fiction that had me lol-ing (lol) really quite a lot. Its by A. M Holmes, who also did The End of Alice. I don't know if i ever put up anthing about this book but of not i really rate it in a wierd way. It quite odd, as it has quite graphic child sexual abuse bits and a few male rape scenarios, but still its very well written. If anyone has read this i would love to know what they made of it, and what was the truth behind Alice.

The other is Emperess Orchid by Anchee Min. A great book based on historic events in mid 19th Cenny China. Anyone suss out the fan dance? Now thats one bad boy i want to learn in time for my grannies 80th party!

Can anyone recommend owt as i am out of all good books, ta in advance :)


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
A couple I have been recommended recently:

'Last exit to brooklyn' by Hubert Selby Jr.
(I would also like to read 'Requiem for a dream' by him, as I have only seen it in film format and I much prefer books)

'Glamorama' by Bret Easton Ellis

I have also just ordered 3 Irvine Welsh ones I was (shock horror!) missing from my collection but didnt realise :shocked:
Yes, I am geekily excited about their arrival :vandyk: :mad: :D

Disclaimer: this post may suggest I am a bit of a sicko... I'm erm.... not, honest ;) :D :p

Brock Landers

Staff member
A couple I have been recommended recently:

'Last exit to brooklyn' by Hubert Selby Jr.
(I would also like to read 'Requiem for a dream' by him, as I have only seen it in film format and I much prefer books)

'Glamorama' by Bret Easton Ellis

I have also just ordered 3 Irvine Welsh ones I was (shock horror!) missing from my collection but didnt realise :shocked:
Yes, I am geekily excited about their arrival :vandyk: :mad: :D

Disclaimer: this post may suggest I am a bit of a sicko... I'm erm.... not, honest ;) :D :p

Hubert Selby Jr. would have to be a genius to provide a book as good as the film of Requiem for a dream, which is unequalled in its portrayal of hope presented fleetingly to needful people then sntached cruelly away.

Timeless classic in my eyes.

That said, if you can say the book is a more vivid portrayal of this theme, I think I'll give it a read.

Cheers to all replying to this thread so far. Keep it up!


New member
Jun 16, 2002
This Book Will Save Your Life- newp, not some shite self help jizz about finding the inner you or learning to say no! (and meaning it)- but a really great bit of fiction that had me lol-ing (lol) really quite a lot. :)

Amelie, I read this book about a year ago and can barely remember it, I didn't really get into it and found it a bit of a chore to finish. Nothing seemed to hook me in and I can only remember a couple of things bout doughnut shops and horses in holes

One of those American books that just went over my head - bit like Catch 22


New member
Sep 14, 2007
Two great books i just finished.

The other is Emperess Orchid by Anchee Min. A great book based on historic events in mid 19th Cenny China. Anyone suss out the fan dance? Now thats one bad boy i want to learn in time for my grannies 80th party!

Never read that one myself, but if you like the stuff about China then give Wild Swans a whirl, I quite liked that one.

I've read Name of the Rose and I really enjoyed it :D


Jan 21, 2005
Butty's pub :D
just finished not without my sister , its about 3 sisters born into a cult, a bloody good read but a little upseting

My friends mum has just lent me 5 books, this being one one them so I'll make a start on that one once I've finished the one I'm reading.

The last 2 books I read were Hidden by Cathy Glass and Ugly by Constance Briscoe. Both really good reads, I couldn't put them down. I started reading beyond ugly last night and I've almost finished it cos I can't put it down, it's really good.