Aye It was a fun night in the pub for sure.
Made my way to Clayton le Woods, to drop my car and belongings at my Brothers. Caught the 125 bus into Chorley, to be greeted by Vee and the Birthday Girl.
Spent the next half hour with Dan and Cano trying to work out what was up with his Cambridge Audio Amp????
Anyway a few drinks later it was all sweet.
Cano, played some great Martin Solveig style tunes early on, with Trace joining him from time to time.
Good to meet Biskit, nice one on the Can you feel it remix
Also met Nics, tracy's sister. . . .lovely and mad as a box of frogs!
Really ace to meet Warrens father, really sound bloke and I love shoes, who was just a pleasure.
Jiglo of course made it, but had Ashley and Tez in tow. . . .Great to meet them for the first time.
Fun watching Antz plunder every Fruity in the pub!
Warren played a top set. . . on vinyl . . . the only one that night. Great set and your dad looked pround as punch mate.
Vee. . . thanks for organising my own Birthday card. . . it is fab and on the mantle piece with all the others.
Barrie jay, great to see you again mate.
By the end it was pretty manic in the pub with loons dancing everywhere and Neil Shine playing some bouncy stuff.
Thanks to the Crown for their relaxed hospitality and to Neil and Trace for housing me overnight
Most of All, to SaySay. . . . hope you had a good birthday mate. You looked like you did.