HARD DOCK REUNION Pt1 91-93 Liverpool 30th April 2011

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and thats how we roll big up all the crowd djs and pa as well as the 40k sound system :D


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LOL at all the haters reading the review and marking it down - hardly no one from osa came so its hilarious that you can rate an event :cool: :cool: :cool:
and how can you rate an event thats getting 10 out of 10 on facebook must be a lot of bitter promoters or just sad bitter people
does give me comedy seeing it so its good to know thats its bugging certain people
so keep reading it, keep rating and most of all keep hating it :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :wave: :wave:
hiya loz it was hardcore 91 -93 an amazing night didnt really think i was into that much hardcore but the atmosphere and tune selection was brilliant every dj played a cracking set - loads of cool stuff vamp energy flash even a few quad piano tunes - lol people had their tops off bouncing about on the stage bit like back in the day :eyebrow:
dave i know its a bit expensive to expect people to be travelling from outside the city especially with easter and stuff but dont worry there will be more to follow including a house night ;) :hubba:


Active member
Dec 18, 2007
Kiss me brown eye
Deffo Lis, we ain't missed many Retro nights as we are always gonna get a great night, and always there is the right crowd, which is the more important IMHO


New member
Nov 3, 2005
Hats off to Ian and Lisa.
The photos and videos are superb.
The people I have spoken to who had the pleasure of being there loved it.

As they say.. A picture tells a thousand words. :)

I was never a big Baby-D fan, but looking at that video, she did an excellent performance for you guys live.

The other point I'd like to make, is people really, REALLY don't know how much effort it takes to put a night on like this, or any other night that is done professionally. The effort with this event was huge as the place was nearly derelict. Ian was down there day after day sorting water, electric, decor/painting. This was no ordinary walk into a club with a promotion and say we want to do this. Fair play to him for getting his hands dirty, and STILL promote the event. It was a huge task, and well done.
I know for a fact that any promoter worth his salt, does everything he can to make the night go AS planned, and his first priority is to make people welcome, and make sure they are catered for as far as he/she can. This event did it all and then some.
Great music, great people, great djs, great club, and no trouble whatsoever, just a fantastic time had by all.

Now for everyone voting down, and generally being a cnut, get a grip and grow up.

Without people like Ian, you lot wouldn't have anywhere to go! (Not that you do go anywhere)

Give the guy some respect, and go and browse BBC - CBeebies - Home until you grow up.

/rant over

(This rant is fuelled by something else going on at the moment too (not directly affecting me, but very very close), and basically I'm fed up of immature, selfish, greedy tw4ts.. Things have got to change)

Ian, keep on doing what you're doing ar kid.

Brilliant :thumbsup:


New member
Jun 30, 2009
on't hill
Hats off to Ian and Lisa.
The photos and videos are superb.
The people I have spoken to who had the pleasure of being there loved it.

As they say.. A picture tells a thousand words. :)

I was never a big Baby-D fan, but looking at that video, she did an excellent performance for you guys live.

The other point I'd like to make, is people really, REALLY don't know how much effort it takes to put a night on like this, or any other night that is done professionally. The effort with this event was huge as the place was nearly derelict. Ian was down there day after day sorting water, electric, decor/painting. This was no ordinary walk into a club with a promotion and say we want to do this. Fair play to him for getting his hands dirty, and STILL promote the event. It was a huge task, and well done.
I know for a fact that any promoter worth his salt, does everything he can to make the night go AS planned, and his first priority is to make people welcome, and make sure they are catered for as far as he/she can. This event did it all and then some.
Great music, great people, great djs, great club, and no trouble whatsoever, just a fantastic time had by all.

Now for everyone voting down, and generally being a cnut, get a grip and grow up.

Without people like Ian, you lot wouldn't have anywhere to go! (Not that you do go anywhere)

Give the guy some respect, and go and browse BBC - CBeebies - Home until you grow up.

/rant over

(This rant is fuelled by something else going on at the moment too (not directly affecting me, but very very close), and basically I'm fed up of immature, selfish, greedy tw4ts.. Things have got to change)

Ian, keep on doing what you're doing ar kid.

Brilliant :thumbsup:

Seconded the above:thumbsup:

Well done folks and bring on the next one!!!!

Barrie Jay

Active member
Jul 20, 2003
Fleetwood - twinned with Royston Vasey
I don`t know what went on exactly but actions by some on here seem very immature to me.

As a promoter I know how much hard work goes into getting a night up and running in a club let alone a derelict warehouse.

I personally know Ian sweat buckets to get this night on and had it not been my actual birthday with other arrangements in place I would have been there for sure.

I know and have spoke to quite a few people that went and they have all, without exception, said this was a blinding night.

Over the last few years both Ian and Lisa have become very special friends to me and I have the highest respect for both of them - although Ian does say the word **** far too much :)

Well done Ian - you should be proud of your achievements both as a record seller, promoter and a damn fine DJ too.

The Retro-Trax events, for me, are without doubt the best, most authentic old skool nights around for those that like the 88 to 93 era of dance music (that is not just because I am a resident) and I am proud to be a part of it.

I cannot wait until you spill the beans on the next Retro-Trax event!!!!!!! :thumbsup:


VIP Silver Member
Jul 21, 2007
Gutted I missed this:cry: (camping with the family):D used to love going the Dock,going for a drink in the Brown Cow just over the road before, feeling like you were going to an illegal party cause it was in a warehouse.

As for people saying it was crap when not even going is a bit childish.Ive been to all the other Retro Trax nights Ian has put on and theyve all been excelent. Ive seen Ian walking around all his events talking to everyone he can making sure there having a good time and I will definitely be going to the next event.:thumbsup:


New member
Nov 2, 2007
sorry to have missed this one, been to most of the retro-trax nites and i love em, but it was the week after pepe's birthday and the week before mine, so i was a bit skinted :(

will deffo try to make the next one, glad it went well, big thanks to ian and lisa for all the effort they put into making these nites happen :D :thumbsup:


Active member
Apr 11, 2006
back to the old pool and retrotrax, have been the best oldskool nights out for me without a doubt :thumbsup: gave this one a miss for 2 reasons, 1, is im not a fan of hardcore, and 2, just got too many other trips on at the moment and the pennies and more importantly babysitters are at full stretch :( but after seeing the video's it looks like we missed out, and it didn't seem too hardcore either.
will deffo be visiting the dock in the future :D keep the nights coming.