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    How ace are theese. We are Brev crazy in our house at the mo. The winning combo is cheese, bacon and tomoto- with a dash of salt (preff Maldon sea) and pepper (black obv). Anyone know of any sweet ones so i can be really trailer trashy and have a full meal from this beauty? I was thinking...
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    Nighty Night Series 2

    soz did'nt mean to shout, but by the crickey the first series was so bloody good. Anyway, its on tonight so watch it!
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    The whole recycling thang.

    God what a shite comeback thread! Right, the local council has made our collections every 2 weeks instead of every week (they now do rubbish one week, recycle the next). Now we seem to just create rubbish in our home, easily nothching up a binbag every two days. My bin is usually full by the...
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    Fave wacko song....

    Well its topical :condom: . It can't be from his Jackson years though, only solo stuff. Mine is 'The Way You Mkae Me Feel', not a fan of much else. :) p.s, got told this am that Jacko has put on his fansite that today is on a parr of great things that have happened in the world such as the...
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    Legally binding gym contracts?

    When you sign up, and you sigh the 12 month thingy which says how much they are to debit each month from your account, well how stuck to these are you? I mean could you not just cance your dd?
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    Strange how you always fancy....

    people your own age (Cam and WAFC being the obvious exection here). I mean, i never would have thought i would have found 30-40 year olds to be my fave age. It also freaks me out to think i am going to be slyly checking out 80 years olds in the supermarket at sometime. Its going to happen. :)
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    antivirus link please (free)

    Wotcha all, Does anyone have a link to an antibug style webpage? I have a new pc but no protection, and every couple of mins a warning comes up telling me i have yet antother infection. It has gone really slow too, for a high speed bb. I have tried a few but they all want a subscription. Also...
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    Be honest now.

    If your siblings were not your siblings, and perhaps you had to work with them, or maybe lived next door would you like them?
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    When i was young, say i started at 14, going to Manchester was about as exiting as life could get. From my smallish crap town the journey would begin with the train. I loved Manchester, everything about it. I only ever had a little cash, so by the time i had bought my train fair and dinner...
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    The spazzy chav lotto winner boxing thing.

    Anyone know when this is on tv, the fight he has with rhino or something. Now i hate boxing as a rule but i can't wait for this tool to get his arse kicked, i will probs make some microwave popcorn for the occasion. :)
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    Beat this for total embarassment from start to finsh :(

    If anyone can beat my day i will give them a fiver :) . Right last night got chatted up by a visiting Yank, named John ) or Jaaan as he called himself. He was really American, in the worst possible way and i gave him a false name (Elizabeth, and as he exclaimed 'wow geez like the queen, i would...
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    How often do you see the parentals?

    I try to squeeze in a few visits a week, i used to see my mum every day but over the last year i have cut it down. I like coming home, my mum (when the mood suits) usually lets me regress to about 15, and she makes me cups of tea and brings me a nice selection of nibbles. Also i can usually tell...
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    What is everyone doing this weekend?

    Well the weekend is upon us, what does everyone have planned? Me, i spent several hours last night pretending to revise for an exam i have next week. Really i was watching telly (BB, god that Lesley is a dim witch). Today i am visiting the folks, and tonight i am off out for the first time in...
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    What does the term 'Rave' mean to you.

    To me, i don't really welcome it- its sort of a caricature (sp?) of the whole movement, rather than a representation if that makes sense. When someone says Rave, i can't help but think of topless men, dummy sucking loons and basically chicken in a basket style pa's. To me it my mum watching...
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    Quick! Need help in next few mins please!

    Hi, If you have a drink of Vodka, can others smell it on your breath? Cheers.
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    Celebrity Chefs.

    Which ones do you like then? Which do you like enough to buy the book? Me, my out and out fave is Nigella, although as Viz state, her presenting style when on tv is so salacious she might as well just go one step further and do the money shot! As a food writer though, i do like her. Delia, you...
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    Big Brother!

    Oh dear, have they got it wrong again this year? Now i know this is not everyones idea of perfect viewing, but well, as it goes i am a bit of a BB fanatic. I feel this year its going to be shite :(. Whats with the Sylvia Young rejects? Each and everyone one of them are complete out and out...
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    Une Liasion Pornagraphique

    Wow! What an ace treat for a Sunday night telly sesh! Did anyone else catch this last night? I dunno what channel it was on, i think perhaps 107, at around 10.00. Its ages since i have cried at something on the tv, but that had me going a few times. I missed the beggining, can anyone fill me...
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    Swallows and Amazons.

    Does anybody have a copy of this they could lend me? I remember it being a great film, but i havn't watched it since i was under 10 and would really like to see it again. Cheers. :)
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    Lamb (the type you eat)

    Has anybody any idea why certain bits of lamb, i mean really sparodic bits have an evil, wierd, mouldy taste? You can buy some chops and 3 of them are okay, but just one mouthfull of one can taste foul? Its not a compertition, i really want to know if anyone has any ideas. :)