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  1. N

    as its GN day i thought i'd share this with you

    Just ripped a real cometogether classic and thought you may like a listen
  2. N

    ny energy and c+c music factory mp3's PLEASE!!!

    am after ny energy - yes I am and c+c music factory - gonna make you sweat (master instrumental mix) please pop pickers!!!
  3. N

    weakest link with rappers

    hilarious got young mc as well
  4. N

    interesting article about decline in vinyl junkies etc,,1748089,00.html
  5. N

    harmonix - landslide question.....

    on the release the jules and skins mix was accidentally left off. Has anybody actually heard it. There is only one mix on my b-side
  6. N

    The Hard Players - Joy Of Music

    here £4.99 starting
  7. N

    those lovely peeps at htfr again :(

    These c**k munchers have just taken money out of my account for a record and postage. They didn't have the record in stock and I was told under any circumstances they wouldn't take it out of account. :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ They are so dodgy were they hoping I just souldn't see the money coming out my...
  8. N

    worst mash-up i've ever heard

    jesus this is retarded on a more positive note htfr are selling one sided copies of air express yourself tonight for a £10. don't know what quality is like though
  9. N

    the hacienda classics 3 x cd f**k off

    on the add they aren't even playing the classic mix of alison limerick. What kind of c**t compiles this shit
  10. N

    Thursday's quiz !!!!! spot the samples

    Ok peeps how many samples can you id in this badboy. I'm not sure of a lot but I will start the ball rolling. ps:- is this the tune with the most samples ever? got to be surely. I love it anyway :heart: Mark summers - party children (remix)...
  11. N

    that ****ing quizmania on ITV

    What a bunch of thieving gypsy bastards. Does anyone win anything on here ever? Why do people ring up? Are they mad? Basically this is a late night phone in where you have a word and you have to guess what word you put before or after it to make a catchphrase a bit like blankety blank. Last...
  12. N

    This will blow your mind
  13. N

    need your opinion

    which if any of these mixes of baby june:- i will be free. Would you put on your ipod. I like them all they are all different and need your help evolution mix floor federation mix ionman...
  14. N

    this is hilarious

    look how caned this essex boy is. This has become cult viewing in my office id=2BNCXBCQKJOOR3LU07XZGBEYZQ
  15. N

    money into your tele? r u serious

    My colleague has just told me that some people have to put pound coins into their tele just to watch it for four hours or so. Is this really serious? What a rip off
  16. N

    have sent a pm to butty

    but can did u get an annoying spam pm today folks? Offering to sell downloaded mixes?
  17. N

    just got this and thought you guys may apprecitate it

    altern-8 live outside shelleys
  18. N

    ebay question

    on my ebay summary it used to tell me the total for all my items that would sell. It doesn't anymore is there anyway of getting it back
  19. N

    anyone here

    do a mix starting with the vocal from no idea by earth leakage trip. If so get in touch could do with a tracklisting as am listening to it now. Think it may go from earth leakage intro into sunscreem:- pressure us. Its just called classics mix and its fantastic. Brilliantly mixed but I don't...
  20. N

    what was first...

    soft house company :- what you need. Or a U.S tune with the same piano whose name escapes me. It was a mike dunn mix though. Any help appreciated. Cheers