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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. N

    melodies of passion WTF???????:(

    this just arrived today but doesn't have the version I want. Danny you sent me this. Is it on the usa release instead? gutted. pls help try and save my day
  2. N

    whats more important?

    Having a debate with another osa member who sees things like me. Was wandering what you thought. This is one thing that really annoys me and many so called close friends have been guilty of.
  3. N

    fab mindless game anyone beat 317?
  4. N

    If you have

    one long mp3 mix that is gonna end up on a cd. Is there software that you can use to put in track breaks so that when you burn to cd it will play continuously but still have say 15 tracks instead of one? thanks for your help guys !!!
  5. N

    how good is ....

    staxx:- joy. In my all-time top three
  6. N

    trainspotting on 4

    You know I may have only watched this once before tonight. Forgotten just how good and startlingly accurate it is.
  7. N

    blimey. josh stone 16 yr old white devonshire soul singer

    blimey. joss stone 16 yr old white devonshire soul singer god. First I saw the face and then when you hear the voice. wow. check it out. awesome.
  8. N

    attn:- gem gem

    already getting stalked by munters. a fine mess you've got into lol :S :S :S
  9. N

    Dj Yoda And Dan Greenpeace Essential Mix

    This is the best thing i have heard in years. amazing. hilarious and talented at the same time. scratching along to duelling banjos omg. blew my head off. PLS PLS can someone sort me with this. I NEED IT IN MY LIFE
  10. N

    got a great track here...

    called 'magic fly' by son of space on big life records promo. Its pretty warped though :( anyone else got a copy?
  11. N

    Secchi:- Ciao Mega Rare Original

    secchi:- ciao (new music italy) year unknown but i'm guessing 1990/91 serious offers via pm pls. Mental piano track bassomatic:- ease on by original mixes (virgin records 1990) bassomatic:- ease on by remixes (virgin records 1990) grand plaz:- wow wow na na (remix) 1990 urban records blood...
  12. N

    mark summers:- your love is mixed

    doolz tells me this is on the flip of melt your body. found a copy of melt your body and its not one there. can anybody sort me with cat number or any release info pls?
  13. N

    can anyone that knows me

    pls get me on messenger asap pls. thx
  14. N

    Pmsl Cristiano Ronaldo Skills Workshop

    just spat out my whisky when i saw this. quality
  15. N

    my boys my boys

    swingers channel 4 tonight 11:30pm. if you ain't seen it don't miss it. especially if you're single ;) also at 4pm channel 4 the awesome time bandits. gotta love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. N

    may be moving ...

    come together to a place called the oxygen bar that flogs cannisters of oxygen. anyone inhaled any of this? is it any good. or a scam? £10 for 2 litres. they reckon its good with champers or vodka. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. N

    people watching!!!!

    this is a fave hobby of mine. really fancy myself as the amateur psychologist. Was out in a bar last night with me mate mark. There was a pretty boy model type sitting behind us watching liverpool beat chelsea ( :) ). he had a vague arrogant kinda vacant bored look about him. Eventually he was...
  18. N

    anyone with an ipod?

    I think i'll grab meself one of the new little cute ones at some stage. Karen from tells me they skip when they are jogged is this true ?
  19. N

    whats she really saying?

    a friend of mine ( I SWEAR ON ME LIFE) has just been sent the following all too familar text. what i wanna know is there any truth in this statement or is it just a girly cop out. Cause if a bloke said it I know it would be bullshit. but well what do u reckon..... this is a quote from what she...
  20. N

    more virus related spam

    hi, I am from Norway and you'll don't believe me, but a trojan horse in on your pc. I've scanned the network-ports on the internet. (I know, that's illegal) And I have found your pc. Your pc is open on the internet for everybody! Because the smss.exe trojan is running on your system. Check this...