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  1. N

    daddy would you like some sausage

    this trailer never fails to cheer me up. wonderful immature humour. highly reccomended
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    dodgy stuff

    got a funny story for ya. okay basically i was helping my mate alastair move house yesterday and it was bloody hard work. Anyway so me, al and a friend of his are parked on the pavement carrying stuff out of this van, whilst coming back from the flat i see al's mate chatting to a guy who is...
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    with your body so close to mine

    is there anything i need to know cause when i feel so warm inside is that love that you want me to show? I could give in, surrender, surrender come on baby you know it's alright. Don't make me wait don't make me stay in and out of loveeeeeee tuneroony
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    sound advice part 27

    what do u do at 2am when you're board and danny has gone to bed? What u don't do is inexplicably in a friends reunited type moment type the name of an ex who broke your heart years ago when her ex secretly flew out to ibiza to see her whilst you were still going out with her into google. Cause...
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    it's bricking it time

    timo has just told me we are playing at heaven in london for the gatecrasher people and robert owens is playing. jesus christ. asbestos underpants time
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    i'm waiting for an email from u have u forgotten little old me????
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    i believe it was meant to be

    a while ago i met a girl who i hit it off with amazingly well. She is a professional tennis player who travels a lot. Anyway i saw her again last night and she is coming to my tennis club where i am working tonight. She told me she has just split with her boyfriend of 8 years! I am sooo nervous...
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    attn:- biskit etc

    biskit asked for a sample of a tune i'm selling in the vinyl for sale section. it's called move and the sample quality is shite but here it is
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    corina:- give me back my heart not a bad tune at all!
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    dynamic noise

    bought the loca remix of do you feel alright to re-sell the other day and discovered one of my wants on the other side 'how do you feel inside' quality. everyones a winner baby
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    lots of italian records for sale !!!!no ebay required

    here's a list of italian stuff (all import stamped) I can't be arsed to put onto ebay at the mo pm/email me if you want some or the lot. cheers mateys. PS:- no regulars who say yes please and then never pay. You know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!! ALEX LEE feat ECSTASY:- I'm gonna go out (mighty quinn...
  12. N

    kelly rich? :- hideaway

    jesus listening to reccas timeless mix and he's just dropped this I forgot how amazing this is. The trouble is it go overshadowed by the far inferior other hideaway tune that I can't remember the artist of. help me guys
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    best prodigy tune?

    for me it has to be 'your love' for the amazing building piano
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    the piano teacher channel 4 last night

    jesus never before has a film made me feel like yacking. Some of you will know I love european cinema. But this was taking the piss. Very dark disturbing film about a piano teacher who is very stern during the day but goes to peep shows and spies on shagging couples at night and what she does to...
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    big phat nads

    my broadband has died whilst i was on hols so can't get on her much at the mo and can't run my ebay stuff. well pissed off. Hope you're all well.
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    off to devon for a few weeks for fear and loathing with luke etc god help me. In the words of of the great withnail "i'm in a park and i'm practically deaD WHAT USE Would THE COUNTRY BE "
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    want a laugh?

    cocomo by the beach boys will never sound the same again. you'll need quicktime and a sound card. The movie u want is in the pop-up. This is legendary i can hardly see through the tears. Don't watch when anyone is close behind you. This one is dedicated to the chief camel toe spotters . you...
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    i think i'm melting. jesus. a trifle on the warm side and i have to work tonight gonna be hell
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    do u ever feel like

    if u goto dleep u won't eber wske up?
  20. N

    chicane:- no ordianry morning *breathtaking*

    god this is just beautiful. Forgot how good it was. Can picture myself proposing to a girl i just met if this was playing in the background. You must hear this let me know if you've never heard and i'll up it