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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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    GT System - Limited Edition Vinyl!!!

    Very pleased to announce that there's a limited edition 12" vinyl (100 copies) that is due to arrive early June, and you can pre-order now if you like 4-track EP featuring Something Special / Italian Uproar / Dancing in the Streets / Stop & Go Cost is £20 + £5 shipping to UK address Message...
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    It's been a while...

    I was reading this and feeling bad for not remembering who Spektral was! Haha! That's proper made me smile. :) I used Reason quite a bit a long time ago, not as stand alone but re-wired in Cubase. I always remember it being pretty good but a bit of a pain to get it set up properly. Then it...
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    GT System - Digital Downloads

    Howdy stranger! Yep, there's loads to come, and a few cheeky ones that have yet to be heard! :)
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    GT System - Digital Downloads

    Hello there! Any old-timers still around will remember these, but some newer members might not. This was a project started in 2007 (gasp!) with the intention of making a couple of new tunes that sound like old tunes, with a bit of an Italian twist - catchy vocals, raps, pianos and trumpets...
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    It's been a while...

    Hello Jack! All good thank you, hope you are too. Yep, still making tunes! The Clubland thing eventually died a death but still making the GT System tunes - that's kind of what's brought me back on here actually, but I'll make a separate post about that. Shame it's not so busy these days...
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    It's been a while...

    Well, it's been quite a while since I last visited here - it certainly looks very different! Any OG posters still about? :)
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    Calling all breakbeat fans...

    Does anyone know where this loop is from? Not fussed about its origins, just somewhere I can get a clean sample from.
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    GT System - Dancin' Freestlye

    Keep doin it doin it phones: GT System - Dancin' Freestyle (Radio Edit) - YouTube
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    GT System - Loving You

    Classic vocal given a makeover :) GT System - Loving You (Radio Edit) - YouTube
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    Anyone know this?

    Thanks in advance :)
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    The Tribute - Making Of...

    Very brief and basic for anyone interested :)
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    GT System - The Tribute

    Here it is, all finished :) GT System - The Tribute (Extended Mix) - YouTube
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    Looking for some samples

    Anyone know where these have originally come from? Ta :)
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    New one on the way...

    Some of you might remember me doing this way back in 2004. I've been meaning to re-do it for a long time now and make it sound like a proper oldskool track. Would have been a lot easier with an instrumental version of ASHA, but I'm happy with how I've got it sounding so far. Finished version...
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    Just went on there and this popped up What is it and does Butty know?
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    Got booted again lol New channel here:
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    GT System - Italian Uproar

    Another cheeky one :) GT System - Italian Uproar (Radio Edit) - YouTube
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    Here's another one!

    Ohhh yeaahhhhh! :cool:
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    GT System EP

    It's been a long time coming... :) GT System EP - Coming Soon! - YouTube
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    Something about the music...

    This has bugged me for years, can anyone put a name to it? I have it on a white label bootleg with no info Cheers :)