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The Old Skool Resource. Since 1998.
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  1. fenristwolf

    Hi de hi

    Hi there peeps 👋 I'm originally from Northern Ireland where we used to go to Kelly's, Trak's, Circus Circus and the big Hellraisers in the Ulster Hall, as well as take trips (Coaches and cars not acid, well, sometimes acid) to Scotland for Ayrshire weekenders and stuff like the Event 2, and...
  2. fenristwolf

    Such a good feeling with Martin Luthor King

    I have a challenging request for the rave aficionados out there. There was a mix that started with a low bass and then brought in the incredible Martin Luther King speech until he says "free at last free at last, good God almighty we're free at last", and then 'Such a good feeling' by...