come on all you people we still need a few more names on the list!!!!
dont tell me youve got somewhere better to go cos i wont believe you!!!!
p.s are we officially allowed to get excited now????
Ive been excited all week
im just waiting on 2 new beasties arriving before sorting my final box of tunes to take phones: Got loads of top hac classics out, a few random tunes that i hope will go down well and a few erm lets just say interesting ones to finish the night
Theres loads of people defo comin' that arent on OSA, friends from home, some of my work colleagues, well my boss actually lol, possibly my old maths teacher lol (although he was the one responsible for getting me into New Order and Electronic, Sasha, and the manchester scene, so he aint your average maths teacher
lol) Most on the list are bringing friends, we also have a birthday celebration going on so with any luck we're looking at a full (in my) house
well lookin forward too it
even more so now after ive wrote that lol