Probs not the section to put this in but there doesnt seem to be a 'whinging section' so i chose!...A fair few people seem to be ignoring buttys sticky about the 100 posts guidline/rule, I'm not one to tell tales either but I've seen at least one member make over a hundred posts in the last 6 days just by saying 'thanks for upping this file' which to me isnt contributing to the board at all and is far too easy to do. I'm sure its been the same for years and is too hard for the moderators to regulate and nobody probably really cares anyway but just thought I'd mention it. Maybe if a user with less than 100 posts requests a tune and someone ups it for them then they should up a track of their own choice in the same thread as a thank you for ignoring the guidlines or maybe a similar idea?!? Or maybe I should just keep, rant over...