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THis old raver hasn't been out for a while so I was looking forward to this. THe View is on top of Frodsham Hill, which is just off the M56 between Warrington and Chester. It is up a very dark county lane, the back of beyond really, so you need a car.

Its just one main room with a DJ Box and stage . The Old skool theme meant that there were skimpily dressed dancers in skool uniform around.........worth the 12 pound entrance fee then.

We got there at tennish and it was quiet, had a beer or two and then it all goes a bit hazy Im afraid. I do remember hearing Dream UR The best thing, KKlass, Young MC, but the undoubted stomper of my night was 3 is family Dana dawson. I havent heard that in ages, and couldn't help but bounce around the dancefloor like Tigger with a big grin on my face, singing like a maddun.

Paul Taylor is seriously a man who loves the tunes he's playing. He was bringing stuff in with his eyes closed, singing along, so nice to see a DJ who really LOVES his music.

The crowd was ranting for one more at the end, and he proceeded to do about five, Sweet Harmony, Lisa Lisa, Candi Stanton and a couple of others we all know but I don't know the name of!

All in all a wicked wicked night out, spent all night throwing my shapes. Well worth checking out in the future!!

:drum: :love: :drum: :fekked: :love: :crazy: :drum: :guitar: