Pop vids just don't quite cut it these days do they. Nor do the general acts/lyrical content for that matter. Not for daftness anyway.
Has anyone watched Adam and the Ants Prince Charming vid as an adult and not been totally embarassed/confused /shocked and it all?
To start with you have cheif ant as a tranny cinderella, having two other tranny wench's singing 'Don't you ever stop being dandy showing me your handsome'. Thats it lyrically pretty much all the way through, apart from the line 'silk or leather, or a feather respect your self and all of those around you'. I mean Wordsworth is hardly shitting himself eh.
In the vid Adam then turns into some (supposed) ace bloke and trashs a posh party and Diana Dorrs, no i really mean it Diana in black lacy number is repeating above crazy lines to him whilst pouting suggestivly.
Then for no reason everyone fucks off and he is in front of a mirror and changes from a cowboy, red indian etc like he has raided the fancy dress shop. Throw in lots of swinging from chandeliers and thats your lot.
Anyone else remeber or have seen latley a vid from childhood that is quite frankly wank? I am thinking any Duran Duran for a starters. Don't get me started on Girls on Film, my dad always got a bit flustered when that came on lol.
Has anyone watched Adam and the Ants Prince Charming vid as an adult and not been totally embarassed/confused /shocked and it all?
To start with you have cheif ant as a tranny cinderella, having two other tranny wench's singing 'Don't you ever stop being dandy showing me your handsome'. Thats it lyrically pretty much all the way through, apart from the line 'silk or leather, or a feather respect your self and all of those around you'. I mean Wordsworth is hardly shitting himself eh.
In the vid Adam then turns into some (supposed) ace bloke and trashs a posh party and Diana Dorrs, no i really mean it Diana in black lacy number is repeating above crazy lines to him whilst pouting suggestivly.
Then for no reason everyone fucks off and he is in front of a mirror and changes from a cowboy, red indian etc like he has raided the fancy dress shop. Throw in lots of swinging from chandeliers and thats your lot.
Anyone else remeber or have seen latley a vid from childhood that is quite frankly wank? I am thinking any Duran Duran for a starters. Don't get me started on Girls on Film, my dad always got a bit flustered when that came on lol.