A memory from back in the day...

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Sep 22, 2011
Not Manchester
You know occasionally, even with a drug addled brain like mine, a thought or memory just pops in there and makes yer smile, this was mine today.
Shelleys, summer '91...just the absolute best tackle, music and a distinct feeling of unification, a shared thought that we have made a difference and things are changing for the better...no longer "we know something you don't"...but "there you go world, we changed it all with love and good vibes".
It was the end of the night, I can't remember the line up, but it doesn't matter...Shelleys was one of the best night spots on earth, and that was from the 80's also, seen a few bands there in my time...King Kurt being one that sticks in my mind...but not on this occasion, it's Delight at Shelleys Laserdome, the lights come on but everyone is still just grooving to the beat of the last tune, I turn around to the small stage opposite the DJ booth to check my mate Robbo and hook up with the people I came with...Robbo was gauched, lying on his back on the stage with his arms still up in the air, the look of bemusement and euphoria all over his face...and when he got up...he had every type of fag butt and e wrappers, sweet papers, gob the biggest collection of fkn shite stuck to the big muppets back...what a fkn legend. \0/


Aug 11, 2008
My House
what a fkn legend. \0/

Brilliant \0/

Angels in Burnley was our pleasure. We all lived in a pub at the time and one night once we got back no-one could raise me from my coma in the back seat of the car so they left me. I came round after a couple of hours and staggered into the pub to be greated by the owners. The sight of me obviously concerned them enough to start rumours about me being a junkie etc.. (thanks) and as I entered my room I tripped and knocked a load of shit flying.

I woke up 21 hours later and went for my shift but the owners sent me to the doctor instead ha ha ha... (i was well battered like).. he diagnosed me with glandular fever (ha ha ha) and gave me a week off work (HA HA HA). How shit was that doctor????

Top night tho and a week off to recover.... I thankyou.