File Sharing
Ive added a file sharing section to the forum whereby you can post your mixes/vids from back in the day to share with others, please check out the guidleines within that section for more details and links to sites where you can upload your media
Live Chat
Ive added a live chat room to OSA, since we have had the radio shoutbox on the forum it has been getting hammerd with random chat and being used more as a chat room than for 'radio shouts' the problem being with this is that the shoutbox isnt designed for heavy use and it is causing a heavy load on the server.
And so its a case of either removing the shoutbox altogether or add a proper chat room to take the weight off the shoubox, ive gone with this option as the shoutbox is great for radio shouts and would be a shame to have to get rid of it.
The new chat system is fully intergrated with the forum, only registered users of OSA can login to the chat room and the whos online section at the bottom of the forum now has a 'whos in chat' bit so you can see who is in the chat room from the main page of the forum.
You can change the style and look of the chat room to fit in with what style you have for the forum by going to options in the chat room and changing the theme.
The same rules apply to the chat room as do the rest of the forum, all activity in the chatroom is logged even when a admin/mod isnt in there, we will remove anyones axx to the chat room who is being a balloon, arguing, jibbin or just being a general tool aint welcome and if you do so you will be banned from the chat room for good, warnings will not be given out in the chat room, this is your warning
And finally big thanks to fugjostle for helping out sorting out the security of the chat system and to dannster for help with the flash logos etc and to the people who have helped test it out n stuff
Ive added a file sharing section to the forum whereby you can post your mixes/vids from back in the day to share with others, please check out the guidleines within that section for more details and links to sites where you can upload your media
Live Chat
Ive added a live chat room to OSA, since we have had the radio shoutbox on the forum it has been getting hammerd with random chat and being used more as a chat room than for 'radio shouts' the problem being with this is that the shoutbox isnt designed for heavy use and it is causing a heavy load on the server.
And so its a case of either removing the shoutbox altogether or add a proper chat room to take the weight off the shoubox, ive gone with this option as the shoutbox is great for radio shouts and would be a shame to have to get rid of it.
The new chat system is fully intergrated with the forum, only registered users of OSA can login to the chat room and the whos online section at the bottom of the forum now has a 'whos in chat' bit so you can see who is in the chat room from the main page of the forum.
You can change the style and look of the chat room to fit in with what style you have for the forum by going to options in the chat room and changing the theme.
The same rules apply to the chat room as do the rest of the forum, all activity in the chatroom is logged even when a admin/mod isnt in there, we will remove anyones axx to the chat room who is being a balloon, arguing, jibbin or just being a general tool aint welcome and if you do so you will be banned from the chat room for good, warnings will not be given out in the chat room, this is your warning
And finally big thanks to fugjostle for helping out sorting out the security of the chat system and to dannster for help with the flash logos etc and to the people who have helped test it out n stuff