another kinda puzzle

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Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london
You're on a game show and the idea is to win a car. You are presented with three doors. Behind two is a goat and behind one is brand new porsche. You chose one door but it remains unopened. The host then opens another of the doors to reveal a goat. He asks you if you want to change your mind and switch your decision to the other door. Do you stick or switch??
Answer tommorrow with the bizarre genuine mathematical explanation

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
You'd want the GOAT over the car anyway wouldn't you?

Hey, as if by magic...


:p Great things about great goats :p The word is slowly spreading :wave:


Registered Member
Mar 30, 2003
In a world of my own
nathan said:
You're on a game show and the idea is to win a car. You are presented with three doors. Behind two is a goat and behind one is brand new porsche. You chose one door but it remains unopened. The host then opens another of the doors to reveal a goat. He asks you if you want to change your mind and switch your decision to the other door. Do you stick or switch??
Answer tommorrow with the bizarre genuine mathematical explanation

behind 2 is the goat ........... i quote "Behind two is a goat and behind one is brand new porsche"

behine 1 is the car

behind the door that you have open is a goat so thats got to be door 3 ;)

change and open door 1 ;)


Active member
Sep 6, 2001
north west london

ignore the numbers it means behind 2 of the 3 doors is a goat and behind one of the doors is a car. You have chose a door and the host opens another of the doors to reveal a goat and asks if you want to change from you original choice (which may be a goat or a car) to the last remaining door (which may be hiding a goat or a car). This is a famous mathematical puzzle that basically was answered by a woman known to have the highest IQ in the world. She said you should change your mind because you have a 2 in 3 chance of getting the car. I thought (along with all the worlds top mathematicians) that was bollox and it was surely 50/50 whether you'd get the car but she demonstrated that if you changed your mind 2 out of three times you'd get the car. pretty mad maths innit?


New member
Oct 5, 2001
pick door 1. The host opens door 2. I could stay with door 1 or switch to door 3. If i switched to door 3, my chances will increase from 1/3 to 2/3.

When i made my guess, there's a 1/3 probability that the porsche was behind door 1. There was a 2/3 probability that the porsche was not behind door 1 -- in other words, behind door 2 or door 3.

This fact has not changed. There is still a 1/3 chance that the porsche is behind door 1 and a 2/3 chance that it is not. But, the host has opened door 2 and showed us that it's a hazygoat there. So, the 2/3 chance that you were initially wrong becomes a 2/3 chance that the prize is behind door 3.

This probably doesn't make sense but it's an example of conditional probability. What is the chance of something happening, given that something else already has.
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