I don't understand why people can't still type on here what the fuck are they doing on a day like this and face book is the biggest pile of shit I have ever come across. I have never use it. in 2001 I was getting into all my geeky stuff. Pissing about with web sites but mainly using yahoo messenger. But like this forum yahoo messenger became dead so they closed it down in 2012 facebook killed it off. but I had so many hours of fun on their meet so many great people on their.
But I am of the opinion if you do things to much your brain just has enough of it. I though I would never get bored of computers I was always fiddling around with my computers up grading mine fitting new parts in it.
I am still a very geeky person, I still have a web site site so I still like doing geeky stuff.
I do spend tons of time on my computer still. But am in a relationship with a women who has a career and as she is very high up inthe company she works for and with that comes with a ton of responsible and that means she does not come home until late on most nights.
Its like this week she is away for 2 nights and i guess that's why I spend such a massive amounts of time on my computer when am not at work.
I am probably the most active person on here at the moment, but I have only been a member since 2015 but am pretty sure if I had been on here since 2001 I would of given this forum the kick.
Even in the the late 90's I had put all my tapes away in the cupboard as I got bored of them.
I found this forum in 2015 so that's like a 15 year break I had from it all. So this is all fresh to me and exciting.
The radio part of the web site is still in use and does get used a lot over the weekend, but that is really the only activity you see on this forum or if someone shares a tape rip, but that is only once in a blue moon now and that is not most intellectual engaging conversation you can have talking about a tape.
And all they want to do is talk about the tracks and say thanks and if you try to start another conversation about anything else they will just ignore you and that kind of get's a bit boring.
I even think people are collecting tapes a lot less and some of the tapes have been listed on ebay for months now and have not moved, what would suggest to me people are collecting them a lot less now.
A few months back they would been gone very quickly.
You have things like Netflix Nowtv I think they're contributing factors why these forums are dead. VB is not very mobile friendly though this forum does not have the VB mobile extension on it, so that kind of makes no different's to this forum.
Then you got places like mixcloud that are very mobile friendly and a lot of people would of gone over to that. Just because it is so mobile friendly and a lot of people don't have computers anymore they just use their phones and a descents ones cost over a £1000 to buy you can understand why.
You can post your tapes on mixcloud and they will get a tons of listens and sometimes some nice comments, and people do interact with you on there and ask questions..
I really don't like them streaming sites they just don't do it for me.:|