Anybody any good with computers?

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Dec 28, 2002
I'm possibly after a replacement computer and I am open to suggestions.

Firstly it has got to be low/mid energy consuming. Got to be powerful, space for multi hard drives and be able to run 2x 27 inch monitors. Got circa £1k at a push.

Thinking Dell Precission T5500 with Dual x5560 Xeon or T5500 with Dual x5590 Xeon. Both would need graphics card improving and sound card plus hd's inc ssd from existing machine transferring over. Next option is Dell Optilex 9020 with i7 4770 mini tower. Issue with Optilex is that it is very low voltage and will struggle with 2 monitors although I understand is very quite and runs very cool.

I have never considered Apple as I have PC software such as Adobe Audition etc.

I want the computer as a long term machine as current Dell XPS 720 h2c is a beast but is slowly wearing out and becoming outdated. I'm also thinking of ploughing some money into a replacement laptop as the Dell i3 I bought recently simply does not cut it and feeling a i7 or mac on the way!

Thanks. S