Anychance of 2 Take That tickets Manc tonight.

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
Just had my sister on the blower, (newp they are not for me) and she was crying becuase she went last night and it was "the best night of her life", and so tonight she is desperado to do it all over agin. She is after gold circle tickets, whatever the fuck that means, and she is minted so she will pay mega bucks.

Like as if Take That could give you the best night of your life, but hey we have always been like chalk and cheese. I did want to say that her wedding night, or like the birth of her daughters should surley outweigh four gay has beens galavanting round on stage to average pop fodder, but the timing wasn't right as she was sobbing so much. Apparantly she can't belive its all over. You would think that the last 10 years would be enough time to get over it, its not like its new news or owt lol. The crazy mare.

Anyone got any giz a shout.


Miss Cola

New member
Feb 21, 2003
Chompin on biccie's.. *beep*;)
I went last night too and they were EXCELLENT!! phones:

I was gonna write a review but i cant be assed at the mo so much happend. :)

I was in the gold circle bit and i was right near the front took lots of pics and they looked sexy as ever. (even garry, lol):eyebrow:
I would defo go again so i dont blame ya sis amelie they were tops, absolutley brilliant! :thumbsup:


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
I think you and your sister are quite similar..........

............youre both as mad as box of purple 'o' rings.

If the night was the "best of her life" :)rolleyes: ).......which, fair do's, childbirth comes nowhere to seeing Gary with his shirt off........then why risk spoiling it by going again and it being utter wank, and not as good as the first?.

Some things are just better left alone to cherish........even take that (??)



Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Str33tb0y said:
just had a txt off T.C looks like shes having a fab time :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I certainly was :D :thumbsup:

Fair do's , they put on a wicked show :love:

We were in the seats at the side and tbh,think i'd have preffered it there to the gold circle anyway as some parts of it were really far back from the stage. Not to mention that if you were there you got drenched as it kept p1ssing down :p
Some sitting by us had some gold circle passes then didnt use them :confused:

Anyway, Amelie..your sister probably has pics etc.. already? But I've got some video footage I can up for you if you want to pass it on her? bit shaky in parts but pretty decent :thumbsup::)
I've just watched it again and gone all tingly, lol :$ :p

To be fair, it rocked. Sadly, no Robbie appearance as rumoured :rolleyes: but didnt realise Lulu would be there either, thought she'd passed her bit onto Beverly Knight. :confused:

Beverly Knight and the Sugababes were also good. :thumbsup:

Took us 3 and a half hours to get home though :crazy: :eek:
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Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
hmmm, ive just been trying to attach the clips, but i seem to be struggling :S :| :$ and i dont even know why it wont work

Amelie, if your sis wants them I can probably send them through MSN to you or something, I can just about cope with doing that I think :$ :D My addy's in my profile if you want to add me and get them :thumbsup: :(


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
err hang on, it seems to have worked now :confused: I think :confused: Jeez.. much as they are handy, I find computers a complete ballache sometimes :S :crazy:
anyway, i'll try this one first.. :thumbsup:


  • MVI_1023.AVI
    17.8 MB · Views: 78


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
more.. slow process :S :D that'll probably do actually, I have others but in the words of Snow White : theres quite a few but all too short to be worth bothering with ;)

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New member
Sep 14, 2005
T.C said:
I certainly was :D :thumbsup:

Fair do's , they put on a wicked show :love:

We were in the seats at the side and tbh,think i'd have preffered it there to the gold circle anyway as some parts of it were really far back from the stage. Not to mention that if you were there you got drenched as it kept p1ssing down :p
Some sitting by us had some gold circle passes then didnt use them :confused:

Anyway, Amelie..your sister probably has pics etc.. already? But I've got some video footage I can up for you if you want to pass it on her? bit shaky in parts but pretty decent :thumbsup::)
I've just watched it again and gone all tingly, lol :$ :p

To be fair, it rocked. Sadly, no Robbie appearance as rumoured :rolleyes: but didnt realise Lulu would be there either, thought she'd passed her bit onto Beverly Knight. :confused:

Beverly Knight and the Sugababes were also good. :thumbsup:

Took us 3 and a half hours to get home though :crazy: :eek:

glad u had a good time looks fab :D


New member
Sep 14, 2005
T.C said:
my mate been on the phone trying to get me to go again this weekend in Milton Keynes, FFS! :D

go mate if u had that good a time gota be worth it.

i guess thats at the bowl as well....good place to go if its dry :thumbsup:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Str33tb0y said:
go mate if u had that good a time gota be worth it.

i guess thats at the bowl as well....good place to go if its dry :thumbsup:

yeah it was tidy, but there is such a thing as overkill. :D You can have too much of a good thing y'know!
TBH , im buzzing just as much watching the videos back, and thats cheaper! :p


New member
Sep 14, 2005
T.C said:
yeah it was tidy, but there is such a thing as overkill. :D You can have too much of a good thing y'know!
TBH , im buzzing just as much watching the videos back, and thats cheaper! :p

excellent...must have been good if ur buzzin wathing the video back :thumbsup:

just as long as u dont leave it too long to hook up wiv us saverners:thumbsup:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Str33tb0y said:
just as long as u dont leave it too long to hook up wiv us saverners:thumbsup:

well ive booked the Friday off for gregs next bash , I actually already had the Monday booked off anyway for post-cup final recovery , just in case (you never know, I live in hope, lol) :$ so it could be a nice long weekend for me. Still only 60/40 at the min though.
I'm more fussed about sorting a trip RIGHT down south at the min :love:


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
Str33tb0y said:
good for u huni :D u make sure u get that sorted :thumbsup:

so what weekend is gregs bash then?

world cup final weekend :rotate: actual night is the 7th though

time enough for me to recover a bit then head back to wherever I want to watch it :thumbsup:


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Miss Cola said:
I went last night too and they were EXCELLENT!! phones:

I was gonna write a review but i cant be assed at the mo so much happend. :)

I was in the gold circle bit and i was right near the front took lots of pics and they looked sexy as ever. (even garry, lol):eyebrow:
I would defo go again so i dont blame ya sis amelie they were tops, absolutley brilliant! :thumbsup:

Yea i went on sat too, was well good! Never seen an atmosphere like it! :D
best tune was 'never forget' at the end wiv everyone holdin their hands up.
I was supprised at how many blokes i saw too.


Active member
Sep 2, 2003
Dysfunction Junction
lou-lou said:
best tune was 'never forget' at the end wiv everyone holdin their hands up.

i dont think its their best tune but agree it was deffo the best buzz / atmosphere! captured that on the first vid I posted earlier in the thread, have a look chick! :thumbsup:
every voice singing along, every pair of hands aloft \o/ .... wicked!
keeps giving me goospimples every time I watch the clip back today too :$ :D


New member
Mar 28, 2004
T.C said:
i dont think its their best tune but agree it was deffo the best buzz / atmosphere! captured that on the first vid I posted earlier in the thread, have a look chick! :thumbsup:
every voice singing along, every pair of hands aloft \o/ .... wicked!
keeps giving me goospimples every time I watch the clip back today too :$ :D

I got a shakey vid of it too, except it makes me cringe coz can hear sumone who cant sing for shit over everyone else :)

was the best thou wiv the hands in the air!

I will listen to urs sumtime, coz i hate to admit it but.....i aint got any speakers on my pc at the mo :$