aye the yoda thing cracked me up. we made a bee line for the back door n got out quick at the end coz i was dying for a wee boss did i not send u a text? i was usin woodys fone n its a bit of a strange contraption n i was stoned we was trying to launch bottles at ur n dee's head kept missin damn youse was wrecked hard me - went in a scouse pub n nearly slipped lol
aye the yoda thing cracked me up. we made a bee line for the back door n got out quick at the end coz i was dying for a wee boss did i not send u a text? i was usin woodys fone n its a bit of a strange contraption n i was stoned
we was trying to launch bottles at ur n dee's head kept missin damn youse was wrecked hard me - went in a scouse pub n nearly slipped lol