lol ul b the death of me youse 2 yeah he has got quite a large cranium aint he. i dont know what its full of coz when god was givin out brains he thought he said rains and he didnt like getting wet so got to the back of the qeue lolu gotta come auntie dee i wont be able to sit there in amazement at the random tatood knees!!o plus we found out b 4 that girl that woodys in love with from courtneys is going and so wel need someone to follow him round with a mop n with u bein a lady n all
lol ul b the death of me youse 2
yeah he has got quite a large cranium aint he. i dont know what its full of coz when god was givin out brains he thought he said rains and he didnt like getting wet so got to the back of the qeue
u gotta come auntie dee i wont be able to sit there in amazement at the random tatood knees!!
o plus we found out b 4 that girl that woodys in love with from courtneys is going and so wel need someone to follow him round with a mop n with u bein a lady n all