anyone wanna write a article for a new articles section im making?
gonna have a dj tips sort of bit with in depth how to's to do various stuff
im thinking things like:
connecting ya mixer to ya pc
removing hiss from ripped tapes etc
how to rip ya tapes
a dj essentials list
dj'in tips, scratching tips?
and various other bits n bobs like that
if anyones got any ideas for articles that will help out fellow dj's then pls say n anyone who wants to have a bash at one lemme know
itl have to be in depth and a dummies guide in a way, including images and all freely avialable software to do the tasks n that (the articles will be available to the masses ya see)
any ideas or owt are appreciated peeps
gonna have a dj tips sort of bit with in depth how to's to do various stuff
im thinking things like:
connecting ya mixer to ya pc
removing hiss from ripped tapes etc
how to rip ya tapes
a dj essentials list
dj'in tips, scratching tips?
and various other bits n bobs like that
if anyones got any ideas for articles that will help out fellow dj's then pls say n anyone who wants to have a bash at one lemme know
itl have to be in depth and a dummies guide in a way, including images and all freely avialable software to do the tasks n that (the articles will be available to the masses ya see)
any ideas or owt are appreciated peeps