attention ebay sellers!

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Active member
Mar 2, 2004
Youcould put links on your auctions??? I thought it isnt possible to do this or are there nu rules on ebay?


New member
Jul 18, 2001
not sure, I think the rule is that you can't link to a website if it's the same as the stuff you're selling on ebay, i.e using ebay as cheapo advertising. I reckon you'd be ok linking to the board though..easiest just to ask em I reckon.


New member
Jun 16, 2002
try and make sense of this!

ebay said:
Adding Links to Item Listings
eBay allows sellers to place the following types of links in your item's description (see the Links Frequently Asked Questions for the definition of a link):
  • One link to a page that further describes the item being sold in that listing
  • One link to your email address that opens an email client for potential buyers to ask questions about the item in that listing
  • Links to photos of the item for sale
  • Links to your eBay (including your eBay Shop)
  • Links to your About Me page (in addition to the About Me icon already provided by eBay)
  • Links that provide credits to third parties
  • One link to your listing terms and conditions (providing that the most relevant information is within the listing itself and that this page does not include any links off of eBay)
If you have a logo for any of these links, it may be no greater than 88x33 pixels and it may not flash or otherwise move. (The exception to this guideline is links to your eBay listings). Linking to Web sites that offer to trade, sell, or purchase goods or services, or including links for any purpose other than those listed above is not allowed. Prohibited links include, but are not limited to:
  • Links to Web pages that offer to trade, sell or purchase goods or services outside of eBay. This applies whether it is a static URL or an active link
  • Links to Web sites or pages offering merchandise is not permitted on eBay
  • Links to sites that solicit eBay User IDs or passwords from buyers
  • Links that encourage buyers to place their eBay bids through a site other than eBay
Further explanation:
When linking to a page that further describes the item you are selling, that page may contain links to other pages that offer items for sale outside of eBay. This is permitted, provided the intent of the link is to further describe your item and the link conforms to the policy above.

Your email address may be a link that opens an email client or Web form (no links are permitted off of the Web form) for potential bidders to ask questions about the item in that listing. Please note that the link may only be used to enable an email client or Web form. It may not take you to another Web page or promote other items that you may have for sale outside of eBay.

You may include links to photos of the item for sale. The photo pages may also contain discrete links to other pages that offer items for sale outside of eBay, but may not contain descriptions of or links to individual items on other sites. You may also link to a page where information relating to your eBay items is grouped in a picture gallery or similar format so long as the page otherwise complies with these policies. This gallery page may also contain discrete links to other pages that offer items for sale outside of eBay, but may not contain descriptions of or links to individual items on other sites.

You may include links to your About Me page in your listings. Theses links are in addition to the About Me icon provided in your eBay listing by eBay. However you may not include language within those links that promote items or other Web sites.You may place a third party credit or a counter in your listing. You may also link to organizations such as the Better Business Bureau or Square Trade, provided the seller is a member of the organization and it is relevant to their business or the item being sold. All of these links must comply with our third party credit policy below. You may provide one link to further outline the terms and conditions of your listing. This page may not include any links off of eBay. However, you must include the relevant portions of the terms and conditions on the listing page itself and not just on a page that you link to. Those include:
  • Shipping information (you may link to a shipping calculator )
  • Payment types accepted
  • Terms of payment - when payment is expected
  • Handling charges
  • Any taxes that may apply
  • If you have a logo for any of the above links, it may be no greater than 88x33 pixels and it may not flash or otherwise move.
If you wish to place a third party credit or a counter in your listing, it must comply with our third party credit policy below. Listings that do not meet eBay's policy on links may be ended. Repeated violations of the policy may result in suspension from eBay.
Links from your About Me Page
You may link to your own Web store or Web site. However, you may not directly offer any non-eBay merchandise on the About Me page itself.eBay does not permit its users to place the following types of links on your About Me pages:
  • Links that directly offer any non-eBay listing or merchandise on the About Me page itself.
  • Links to other online trading sites or pages, including auctions and fixed-price formats. Learn more
  • Links to sites offering the same merchandise for the same or lower price (including the Buy It Now price).
  • Links to sites offering merchandise or information not permitted on eBay
On your About Me page, you may link to your own Web site or individual Internet store where you are offering to trade, sell or purchase your goods or services. However, you may not link to any page within online trading sites that offer goods from multiple sellers either in a fixed price or auction format. About Me pages that do not meet this policy may be removed.

Third Party Acknowledgements
eBay recognizes that many sellers use third party services to perform essential functions related to their listing, and that there are legitimate reasons for crediting such companies in their listings. For example, some companies offer picture hosting, counters, listing software and payment facilitation services. In exchange for providing their service, some third party companies require or request that they receive "credit" or recognition for their service within the eBay listing. We will allow such credit within the following guidelines.eBay will permit listings that contain a small, discrete identification or "credit" to third parties that provide services or products directly connected with the particular listing or that allow a seller to aggregate their eBay listings.The credit may contain the following to identify or credit the company offering the product or service:
  • Text (HTML font size 3) AND
  • A logo (88x33 pixels)
  • However, only one of these may be clickable.
  • The credit may not contain promotional material or other information about the company.
The service being credited should only be one that the seller is using within that particular listing.

If an image hosting service was used to create your listing, you may display a credit for the image hosting service provider (provided the credit adheres to the above guidelines).

Example: "Image hosting services provided company X."

Providing credit for services not used in the particular listing is not permitted. For example, if company X provided only image hosting services in your listing, you would not be permitted to add, "Counter services and image hosting provided by company X." The credit may link only to the third party company's Web page containing information about the service. The logo size may be no greater than 88x33 pixels, including backgrounds and borders. The text may contain no more than 10 words, and may be no larger than HTML font size 3. Examples of the text portion of a credit permitted within a view item page:

"Free Counters by Honesty"

The third party credit may not provide promotional statements or information about additional services offered by the company. Instead, it should simply identify the service provided by the company.

If a third party credit is "clickable", eBay will permit the credit to link to a page that describes the services or products directly connected with the particular listing or that allow a seller to aggregate their eBay listings. The page may not contain information about other services or products the third party offers unless expressly permitted by eBay.

Note: The use of counters must comply with these guidelines as well. If the counter itself contains a credit to the company offering the service, it must conform to our Third Party Credits guidelines. If the counter itself does not contain a credit to the company offering the service, there are no size restrictions. However, a logo or text used outside of the counter to credit the service that provided it must conform to our Third Party Credits guidelines. Listings that do not meet eBay's policy on third party credits may be ended. The continued practice of placing third party credits in listings that do not meet eBay's policies may result in suspension from eBay. If you are concerned that the company providing your listing services may not be in compliance, please contact the company or service provider.

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