Doh! thats why its so quiet around here!!!. Thick Mick that i am. Bet its busy as fek on here at chuckin out time! - i have images of the OSA posse gripping on the doorways resisting bouncers pulling them out!. "One More!" "One More!" they demand.....
Its times like this I wish my mates were into dance music and I lived a bit nearer that way...........grrrrrr. Its not that they hate it, just that they couldnt give a toss either way and its a passion for me :headphones:
Oh well its an Old skool Party for one - Venue is My house. I got in for free - not sure about that dodgy DJ though - he seems to just let one finish and then que another one up - whats that about then?.......hehehe.
Have a good one fella's/fellettes. Do the "Funky Gibbon" for me in my absence wont u?..No? oh well, "Big Fish - LittleFish- CardboardBox" will have to do