avatars or sigs??

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avatars or sigs??

  • keep the sigs!

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • bring forth the avatar!

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • do a trial of 2 weeks of avatars n no images in sigs then do another poll at the end!

    Votes: 21 53.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
been on a site earlier like this one that has avatars enabled instead of signatures. for those who dont know a avatar is a smaller image to the left of ya username. you can see what i mean on this board here


now the thing is the page u look at on osa is only about 3k, some of the avatar's are 300k and so u can imagine the effort is downloadin sum of em.

avatars r generally only about 10-15k so it would keep the speed etc etc. ya can still have your own design and upload it through your usercp so u can still have summet personal like

if there wasnt so much speed improvement id wanna stick with sigs but seeing what diff it makes it seems worthwhile to change em over. i also think board with avatars and not sigs enabled r more tidy looking and less messy.

so im doing a poll. if u wanna keep the sigs then choose keep the sigs if u wanna bring forth the avatars then choose that one and if u rekon givin avatars a 2 week trial is cool with another poll at the end of that where we could bring thy sigs back then choose that one.

im choosin the trial one coz id like to see what diff it makes erm jus coz we can lol

im leavin the poll open till friday so get voting!... :)

blue jammer

New member
Dec 9, 2003
2 weeks trial gets my vote...

What about a compromise?

Text only sigs, and avatars - this would tidy up the large images some people have, by ridding them, and making the pages load faster ;)

I no longer fear change :thumbsup:


Staff member
VIP Gold Member
Sorry to piss on your chips Butty love... But Ive voted keep the sigs cause I think everybody's are just reete grand!

S-J x :love:

P.S. talking of chips... Thanks for the curly ones last night and your fish didnt make me sick today either... Nice one :thumbsup:


New member
VIP Silver Member
Sigs per se ain't the problem, ma-hoosive images are as it slows it down and looks a mess.

Can we turn them off?

I'm on an 8 meg connection so it makes no odds to me speed wise but I'd turn them off if I could.

<edit> after a check in user cp you can and I have. Much better.

Bring on the avatars...


Active member
Jul 9, 2002
I've voted to have a trial. I like the idea of upping your pic in your user cp, I'm sure a lot of peeps will find that usefull.

While your making that change, can you bring the arcade back too? :)


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
I can't use the sigs anyway because I haven't bothered using my webspace at Blueyonder, but i'd probably get confused for a while not knowing at a glance who's posted on here:S

I use an avatar on a couple of other sites that I use though and it was just a case of uploading a small image onto the site i'm using, is this one going to work the same way, or do we still have to up it to our own webspace?

I'm easy whichever way the majority goes though!:thumbsup: :)


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
Jiglo said:
I use an avatar on a couple of other sites that I use though and it was just a case of uploading a small image onto the site i'm using, is this one going to work the same way, or do we still have to up it to our own webspace?
yes mate thats right avatars u can upload thru ur usercp :)


Staff member
Jul 15, 2001
oldskoolkidder said:
i voted keep the sigs

i love my sig and alot on here are wikid - aslong as the sigs are kept quite small it shudent be a propblem shud it ???
its easier said than done mate. i used to have to get me sig ruler out oo err on numerous occasions and in the end i jus got bored of it lol

it isnt jus the dimension size buddy its the image size too. a lot of the animated ones are a few hundred k and take a while to load up ya see.

i do agree with ya tho the sigs r damn good im jus thinkin that they could be redone on a smaller scale, ya will still get peoples individuality and people can up there own images it jus wont be taken up half the page :D

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