couldn't let this thread pass (geddit?) without adding my two-penn'orth...
I'm with Lozzer... for me it's the booze that's the worst.
Nothing does for my own arse-ary emissions more than a good night on the guinness...
It's a robust, full-bodied rotting-veg type fragrance with distinct overtones of egg. Pungent enough to not only make yer eyes water, but leave yer nose itching as well.
All wholesome & healthy though (nothing that satisfying can possibly be bad for you) Sometimes the frequency at which they arrive and the sheer volume of gas shifted is a bit of a worry, as is the ever present danger of the follow-through, known to the cognoscenti as "Paddy's gamble" (read the small-print on the side of a pint of guinness)...
There's nothing like the texture of sweaty heavy cotton bedsheets for an aroma to cling to either, which all helps to prolong the lingerage.
Others may be driven to commit murder by the progeny of my arsehole after a night on the black stuff, but I love them all. Each and every one.