Baaad Farts.

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Active member
Jul 9, 2002
The onle one that's a sure winner for me is a right dirty donner kebab after being on the piss. I swear, the next day my farts just smell EXACTLY like a donner kebab. It's quite mad.

A hot curry sometimes sets me off, but not always.

While on the subject of farts, I must fess up to this, lol I've always heard stories about people setting their farts on fire but always thought it was bollocks. So one random drunken night at uni I decided I'd give it a whirl. Was sat in the lounge with a load of mates having a few beers, and I just casually rolled backwards with my legs in the air, held a lighter there and just let rip. Fuck me, there was a big flame. Nearly died laughing! :D :$


New member
May 6, 2006
I hate it when your walking through somewhere like a shopping centre and someone drops a fart in front of you and you walk into the cloud of noxious gasses. makes me want to hurl.... :hurl:
I once couldnt help but say someones got a right rancid arse outloud and this very guilty looking bloke in front me looked back and then walked off in a diff direction really quickly - dirty git:mad:
An ex once held my head under the duvet (cos he thought it was funny at the time) when he snuck out a crafty hummer and i thought i was gonna pass out with the stench :crazy:

anyway my farts smell like roses (real roses....not the cadbury ones:D ;) )


New member
Sep 14, 2005
MizzDeedz said:
I hate it when your walking through somewhere like a shopping centre and someone drops a fart in front of you and you walk into the cloud of noxious gasses. makes me want to hurl.... :hurl:
I once couldnt help but say someones got a right rancid arse outloud and this very guilty looking bloke in front me looked back and then walked off in a diff direction really quickly - dirty git:mad:
An ex once held my head under the duvet (cos he thought it was funny at the time) when he snuck out a crafty hummer and i thought i was gonna pass out with the stench :crazy:

anyway my farts smell like roses (real roses....not the cadbury ones:D ;) )

lol cracked me up that did :thumbsup:

my farts dont smell I had a fartectomy at child birth ;)


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Lozzie said:
Alcohol...thats the worst.

defo booze for me too, It's no fun on a monday morning on the way to work in the van with 4 other lads who have been on the proper piss all weekend too.

The van actually has a faint whiff of farts permamatly now, even when you get in it when nobody has been in it for hours.:S


New member
May 8, 2006
MizzDeedz said:
An ex once held my head under the duvet (cos he thought it was funny at the time) when he snuck out a crafty hummer and i thought i was gonna pass out with the stench :crazy:

The "dutch oven"... classic manoeuvre :thumbsup: