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New member
Hello there everyone. How are you all. I am back to me work once again after what I would call the worst week eva! My gran died last Tuesday and I wasn't at work all week. The funeral was on friday and that was one of the worst ever experiences in my life. It was my first funeral and I broke down in tears, :cry: I thought I was going to be strong and not cry but I couldn't help it and just burst out in tears. Not nice. But after I calmed down we all went over to me auntie's house and I had a few drinks., but yeh this has been a really rough month for me... and its not even Christmas yet!!


Registered Member
Mar 30, 2003
In a world of my own
hi mate welcome back :)

few consolations in the waff room from people who i told the bad news to, hope your doing ok like, as its a bit of a shitter, hurt me to fuck when my graps kicked it old tin can :( tiz life though and it gets easier as time goes by mate :)

Joker Jen

Active member
VIP Gold Member
Oct 8, 2001
Secret Location in Gotham City
Sorry 2 hear ur troubles m8y, it ain't easy losin a grandparent & hurts like hell, but like cam says it gets easier with time!! There's a big bear hug wingin it's way up 2 u in bonny scotland
