How bad are theese people. I mean, not only do they try and force daft crap down your neck like bunion cusions or great big flying saucer things to put round kids heads to stop shampoo tantrums, but they also think its okay to get you to part with a ten spot for about 50mls of oven cleaner, just by naming it 'Miricle Clean', or 'Astonish Powder'. Then you have the hassle of the book thing being your responsibilty, i mean- Joan and Derek (whom i have never met so complelty baffled at the whole first name malarky) are practically stalkiing me at the mo. Everyday i come home and they leave little bits of paper through the letter box telling me not to forget to leave my book on the door. Fuck off Joan and Derek, i can't even remember to do the real jobs i am supposed to let alone a daft betterware book. And anyway, the odd time i have ever ordered at previous adresses then never come back, and i am left waiting for my venetian blind cleaning fluid and my leaf shine wipes.