big brother 2006....i predict a riot

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Apr 28, 2006
I don't think that George is bad yet, he hasn't said anything which would make me hate him if anything at all?! That posh girl is worse....cant remember her name.

And how the hell is that Nikki a model?! Amazing body, shame that her face isnt equally stunning....

That 'paki puff' is annoying the hell out of me, feeling everyone up......

ah well. its a loveable freak show.

Danny C

New member
May 19, 2004
Shabba said:
Ifuckin hate big brother but i always like to watch the one where they all go in just so i kmow exactly what fuckwits they've dug up from somewhere!! Last night though i didn't know whether to laugh cry or cringe!!! BB had deffo gos a sick sense of humour this year:thumbsup:

I am the same, watch the one where they all go in then try to avoid it.

what was the dick with "terets" all about. The worst bit of acting since the death of Helen Daniels in Neighbours. somebody please chuck a petrol bomb over the wall :mad:


New member
Jul 15, 2001
It certainly is a bunch of freaks this year and no mistakin!

Does anyone have any early predictions for winners? Now's the time to get your bets in before the odds go short.


New member
May 6, 2006
I really hope something kicks off and someone gets hurt or killed and then that will cause a public outcry and hopefully the fiasco known as big brother will be taken off the air. cos i think its crap and waste of airspace.:mad: :S

one can only hope they get narked off with each other and a slaughter ensues - or they get hungry and have to pick straws for someone to eat.

but thats just my opinion !!


New member
Jul 15, 2001
MizzDeedz said:
I really hope something kicks off and someone gets hurt or killed and then that will cause a public outcry and hopefully the fiasco known as big brother will be taken off the air. cos i think its crap and waste of airspace.:mad: :S
You don't have to watch it though.

I personally don't like the soaps, but I don't hate them because of it, I just don't watch them, and I don't read any stories about them in the papers :)


New member
Sep 6, 2003
nathan said:
male chav always win. I'll go for the welsh lifeguard. He'll win. Might get on betfair actually
Whats going on with his grid though? It looks like he has been sliced round the chops.:confused: Also, i can't work out his accent.


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VIP Silver Member
May 6, 2006
itds a rite bunch of freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks this yr!
And my bloody mate is buying kitkats so she can get the ticket an go in the house!=tit!
Was watching it in the pub& had a rite laugh, cos there was nop sound!
Was a bunch of imbreds!
I def aint watching it this yr by choice!

x sam x
nathan said:
also 20-1 taurets (i wasn't convinced either) pete is fave and the big with the huge baps fave to be first out. I got annoying 'paki-poof' to be first out at 20-1

The Welsh Lifeguard hasn't got tourettes, that's the other freak, but have to agree with ya on the Paki Poof, his bollox need dropping to stop that annoying squeaky voice
haha, i jus listened to the radio and they jus said on the news "this years collection of freaks and wannabes are bonding in the big brother house for the 7th series of the show" lol.

t b fair, i think its really really cruel, that guy wit tourettes, he is gonna feel it as he'll get the piss taken out of him straight away. that bird wit the big boobs, she was upset when they booed her, she'll b even more upset if she gets bad publicity - which she probably will as they never get good publicity do they???

we can all sit and say who we find the most annoyin, but its well not fair on the ones who are in there who think they have been chosen cause they were special, they havent, they have been chosen cause of their idioticy, or their differences in pete's case.

big brother used to b somethin that actually was good to watch, cause the people were nothin special, jus a selected few, when you used to have to send a video in, that was best, now u end up wit the most eccentric stupid bunch of people outside the auditioning booths things that put the people who arent oddballs from auditioning.

seems u have to b a freak, and annoyin twit, a thick, blonde bimbo or some stuck up male chauvanist to get in there now. which, is only put together so they aregue and everythin.

them two drity chavs r gonna b thinkin they're hard, prob have a massive fight and chop someones head off.

right. sorry bout that rant lol :$


Registered Member
Dec 28, 2001
jenwah said:
we can all sit and say who we find the most annoyin, but its well not fair on the ones who are in there who think they have been chosen cause they were special, they havent, they have been chosen cause of their idioticy, or their differences in pete's case.

big brother used to b somethin that actually was good to watch, cause the people were nothin special, jus a selected few, when you used to have to send a video in, that was best, now u end up wit the most eccentric stupid bunch of people outside the auditioning booths things that put the people who arent oddballs from auditioning.

seems u have to b a freak, and annoyin twit, a thick, blonde bimbo or some stuck up male chauvanist to get in there now. which, is only put together so they aregue and everythin.

them two drity chavs r gonna b thinkin they're hard, prob have a massive fight and chop someones head off.

right. sorry bout that rant lol :$

Good grief woman, straight out of my mouth was that! lol

Just one difference - I dont think bb was EVER good to watch.

I dont know whats sadder, the platform and idolisation given to freaks and muppets or the fact that peoples lives are that shite they tune in and follow it :| .



New member
Jul 15, 2001
nathan said:
male chav always win. I'll go for the welsh lifeguard. He'll win. Might get on betfair actually
You can probably get the best odds with betfair as well at the mo with 19.5/1 (if someone takes it on at that).

A good bet that, £5 out £100 back.


New member
Jul 15, 2001
nathan said:
what i have done.

I guess taurets pete is 5-1 cause they think nobody will vote him off
lol, everyone's having trouble spelling tourettes today!

Pete seems popular anyway, I know a few people of differing ages who think he should win.

The thing is with Big Brother is that anyone can win. It's the best time to get the bets on before anyone has done anything, but of course that person may walk or get thrown out.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
lol lets face it Pete is gonna win hands down simply because as usual the british public will sympathise with anyone with an affliction. Christ almighty didnt a he-she win it a while back? and a lesbian?
Only in Britain lol


New member
Jul 15, 2001
AB45 said:
lol lets face it Pete is gonna win hands down simply because as usual the british public will sympathise with anyone with an affliction. Christ almighty didnt a he-she win it a while back? and a lesbian?
Only in Britain lol
I don't think there's ever been a lesbian winner (she came second), but you could be right with the Pete thing. Surely worth a tenner @ 5/1 then!


Active member
Mar 21, 2005
oldskoolkidder said:
hahaha leave stedders alone man!!! he's a good lad!! :D :thumbsup:

so whats the deal with BB 2006 then - i cann'e be arsed to turn the tele on! :p

Yeah it's worn a bit thin now:thumbsup: :)