She is channeling all her passion the wrong way if she channeled it somewhere else she probaly be good at what ever she decides! she is trying to find herself! struggling to control her passion! massive overload!...Need to get to the core love! where it all comes from start again from there then channel it the right way in a construtive manner!...Live once! make the right choices!...People are just so afraid of everything there brain packs in on them! then name calling starts! people start getting categorized and so on! O! Well!...Life goes on!...
She is channeling all her passion the wrong way if she channeled it somewhere else she probaly be good at what ever she decides! she is trying to find herself! struggling to control her passion! massive overload!...Need to get to the core love! where it all comes from start again from there then channel it the right way in a construtive manner!...Live once! make the right choices!...
People are just so afraid of everything there brain packs in on them! then name calling starts! people start getting categorized and so on! O! Well!...Life goes on!...