:O:O:O BUTTY!!! Startin' a post on the BB freak show >< ...the respect i had 4 you mate just went down the toilet like last nights pizza... Anyway, aint you got more important things to do, like tinker with OSA code 'n stuff Me'n the wife had the tv on in background and on flickin' through landed on the BB 1st night show about a week ago, we just wanted to see some dumb twat fall down the stairs but sadly even the blind freek managed to stay on his feet >< what a let down To even consider going on that show you must be either brain dead or extremely vain and if your the sort to avaidly watch that dribble you should ask yourself why you were even born
:O:O:O BUTTY!!! Startin' a post on the BB freak show >< ...the respect i had 4 you mate just went down the toilet like last nights pizza...
Anyway, aint you got more important things to do, like tinker with OSA code 'n stuff
Me'n the wife had the tv on in background and on flickin' through landed on the BB 1st night show about a week ago, we just wanted to see some dumb twat fall down the stairs but sadly even the blind freek managed to stay on his feet >< what a let down
To even consider going on that show you must be either brain dead or extremely vain and if your the sort to avaidly watch that dribble you should ask yourself why you were even born