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Yeah, he is a bit eccentric! I agree, BUT..... he actually has seen the housemates for who they really are and has figured out the dynamics of the house, who the baddies are etc.... he's more switched on than you think!! I like that. He may be weird, but I suppose that makes me laugh so it's endearing! ;)

As for 'lady muck' Jennifer, I hope she goes on Friday instead of Rex, she's so shallow & self-centred it's unreal. If she doesn't then she will think the public love her and will just be even more delusional and even more of a nightmare to watch/live with. If she stays, it only means the public hate Rex more than her! lol. Everyone licks her arse and can't see it ('cept good ol' Mikey!) and it's ridiculous. I'd love to go in there and take her down a peg or two...... It's at times like this I'd love to go on and tell people what the nation actually thinks! hahahahahaha :D
