its not a cop out or blatant anti-muslim sentiment, and this is why.
You wanted to see the Muslims on my 1st year Islam course. They started arguing with the lecturer, who I might add could not only read, write, and speak arabic, but was a specialist on the crusades, jihad and mysticism in Islam, and had written shit loads of books about it all. He was German, and spoke to us in English, so Im guessing he was a clever fella. One day they told us in a seminar that Britain would turn to Islam by God or the rifle, giving us evils from under their naquib. There we all are trying to learn about their religion so that we might educate a new generation.....and they live up to all the media stereotypes. I struggle very much in Manchester to find a Muslim who doesn't seem to comply with most of the criteria which makes normal decent people anti muslim. I study religion because I think its all a big fucking joke, and I love to see what makes people loose all sense of rationality and logic in the name of something for which there will never be any proof of. Its fascinating, truly fascinating, and after studying most of the Abhramic religions in depth I won't be classed as ignorant.
There was an election scam in my Union last year, in which all the Muslims voted themselves into the Union positions. It definatley was not a coincidence. Nowadays, our student paper is shit, the student politics is shit, and nothing gets done. There is a demonstration about Palestine every fucking day however......Islam awareness week has ironically happened about 8 times......and just 3 weeks ago I was handed a leaflet which presented some interesting information that the current Union leaders were attempting to form an alliance with a terrorist organisation in pakistan who recruits young british muslims in the fight of jihad against the west.
They are doing this shit in a British Centre of Academic Excellence, Manchester University. I have every real reason to believe that more of this shit goes on in mosques than anywhere else.....and Im not even going to look for the proof. I know I would find a shit load.
And im not going to apologise for any of that.