amy dont say nothing like that. the cyber police will come and get you. Im sure they can let a pedo out of prison to make room for someone making comments like that
why whats the matter with it?
amy dont say nothing like that. the cyber police will come and get you. Im sure they can let a pedo out of prison to make room for someone making comments like that
This example to me speaks volumes... for all talk of 'moderate Muslims' (of which I am sure there are many) who just want to practice their chosen religion in peace (as is their absolute right to) there is a significant percentage of Muslims who seek to forcibly impose Muslim values & beliefs on others, with little or no respect for other peoples beliefs & values, or 'face the consequences'... in essence to try & take over the UK from within.
There is NO other religion I can think of that acts like this & then spits their collective kosher dummies out when / if our govt does not appease them by bending over backwards to accomodate. No religion.
the normal british muslim who is proud to be here and works long hours in their business and worships in peace and does not twist the words of the koran to help justify their twisted logic, are completely and utterly ignored in these debates
exactly, and as soon as Muslim Arabs are out of their airspace they seem to love a good piss up too as my father tells me is the frequent case on flights in and out of Dubai.
remember students are young kids really and easily led astray especially in the climate that pervades in this country at the moment, we are only fueling their fire and making it worse
I have gone to great lengths to include them in my posts mate... or perhaps you'd like me to double the font size when I do ?
does the catholic church not try and impose its morals on us? to me it is one of the most evil faiths there has ever been, also how did this country become c of e? was it a fair and peaceful transition with no argy bargy?
same as a lot of folks (brits) going to amsterdam for good stuff
ps. not "all" muslims, again you are generalising and sterotyping the majority by using examples of the minority
if we cannot get england to accept the fucking euro how will we ever get it to accept islam
Some of the brainwashing which goes on is shocking. Little children in foreign countries burning flags, shouting death to the UK and stuff is what worries me. Its so dangerous. These kids are going to be the future leaders of these places Thank f**k it isn't happening like that here just yet.
Here & now there is NO other religion that I can see that is as vitriolic, hate filled & unforgiving of other belief systems / values.
Back off Brusselles
Al Murray is a modern day hero
But was Grouch not an example of this happening here already? Same mentality, diff country. I doubt Grouch is on his own, sometimes what we are show is far worse than what we are. As i said this much hatred regrdless of who is saying it can only be bad news.
ah yeah but the majority of brits aren't avoiding weed or prostitutes because they pretend to believe in God........they'd do it if it was legal. Im not so sure Muslims would drink on their home turf even if it was legal, for fear of looking like massive hypocrits.
But in response to the generalising. Like I said, most of them have lived up to the stereotypes for I feel as if I can continute to generalise without feeling guilty.
You don't know if most start drinking at all when they get on a plane, you know that a few do- that is all. From this you make sweeping statements and generalisations.
they do not drink because in most of the countries that they do not, it is illegal, a lot of muslims drink alchohol, they are not being the best muslim they can be but a lot of the ones from saudi will not drink on fear of severe punishments not because they are strict muslimsah yeah but the majority of brits aren't avoiding weed or prostitutes because they pretend to believe in God........they'd do it if it was legal. Im not so sure Muslims would drink on their home turf even if it was legal, for fear of looking like massive hypocrits.
But in response to the generalising. Like I said, most of them have lived up to the stereotypes for I feel as if I can continute to generalise without feeling guilty.
Its true and I admit it.....but as I've said.....I've yet to be shown anything which makes me want to give that religion any respect, and thats probably a shame.
although we have a quite large muslim community up here in scotland it is strange we do not seem to have the same problems that you have down in england especially around the region you live in? why is that?
even when the BNP tit griffin was up trying to stir it up it did not kick off
is it the muslims or is it the whole community?
there must be a reason for this difference?