my broadband has died whilst i was on hols so can't get on her much at the mo and can't run my ebay stuff. well pissed off. Hope you're all well.
nathan said:my broadband has died whilst i was on hols so can't get on her much at the mo and can't run my ebay stuff. well pissed off. Hope you're all well.
nathan said:is blueyonder
Dave the Rave said:ive got big fat nads, laughing, what is a nad, is that a nose
Dave the Rave said:ive got big fat nads, laughing, what is a nad, is that a nose
The Frog Meister said:whos your ISP cam??????
cam said:Scotnet
I sent them an email yesterday and now ive got some joy a few different things to try out but its only going to establish what I already know that I cant access the web most of the time and I'm downloading at under 1kbs most of the time.