thats alot of members, thou realy out of all them there aint many that actually post, which i find odd as i gotta say this board is one of the friendlyest ive ever been on, we all share simmilar interests, and are mostly on the same wave lengh (thou i sometimes wonder about cam ), which i think is friggin tip top and quite rare, there aint much bitching on the forum and most people seem quite genuine personally im well glad i found this place and joined as ive met some quality people that i enjoy being Butty, big up yaself, it dont suprise me in the least the board has that ammount of members, you have the perfect mixture and it can only go from strength to strength mate also gotta say i think all the mods etc do a fantastic job on a wafflePleb:damn just re read this throu and me spelling is terrible:
thats alot of members, thou realy out of all them there aint many that actually post, which i find odd as i gotta say this board is one of the friendlyest ive ever been on, we all share simmilar interests, and are mostly on the same wave lengh (thou i sometimes wonder about cam ), which i think is friggin tip top and quite rare, there aint much bitching on the forum and most people seem quite genuine
personally im well glad i found this place and joined as ive met some quality people that i enjoy being around.
so Butty, big up yaself, it dont suprise me in the least the board has that ammount of members, you have the perfect mixture and it can only go from strength to strength mate
also gotta say i think all the mods etc do a fantastic job
on a waffle
:damn just re read this throu and me spelling is terrible: