Bit of a morbid post this, soz....

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Kind of links to the other post about who wants to live forever.

My auntie passed away yesterday, we were 25 mins too late. It was expected, she'd had secondary cancer for a while and she was in St Catherine's Hospice to see her final days before resting in peace.

St Catherine's Hospice is an excellent organisation and I can't thank them enough for making sure she was pain-free for the two weeks she was there. The staff are great, respectful, have time to care and tend to loved ones and are sympathetic and kind when the inevitable happens.

A really strange thing happened though on the 2.5 hour drive over to see her. I wish I'd checked the exact time this happened, but judging by how far we were away vs the time she died, I think what I'm about to describe happened at the same time.

We were driving to see her and all of a sudden I saw a white flash in the sky. I didn't want to say anything because I'd seen a blinding white flash in the kitchen the night before and thought I was going looney. But my boyfriend who has been to see her many times with me also saw the white flash in the sky. Perhaps I'm being hopeful or reading too much into it, but I wonder if it was her?

I guess the question I'm trying to ask is, has anyone else experienced similar things and does it prove there really could be life after death? I'd truly like to hope there is and have seen other strange things in the past where people have died, like white smoke clouds hovering over places of tragic death like a traffic accident.

Am I the only one or has anyone else experienced anything like this?

Anyway rest in peace Rita, you were the life and soul of every party you went to, I have a lot to live up to.


Active member
Dec 18, 2007
Kiss me brown eye
To be blunt, i just thinkthe mind interprets things you see and experience to find comfort, and alters the memories of things to suit in times of great stress.

I'd wager if things experienced were scientificly recorded, they be a mile out from what you think you remember.

Soz if this brings a downer or anything


Aug 1, 2006
Funny u should say that good few years back my uncle died and i had not seen him for a few years because of family argument but the night b4 the funeral i was sat in the livingroom thinking about him and like was saying goodbye to him in my head and as i did the light flickered i dunno what to think but it it was weird when it happend and it made me smile.

Maybe dave is right im sort of the same in thinking, u never know what happens till you die do you ?

Mr Radish

Staff member
Mar 27, 2007
Movin' on up.
Anne, my condolences to you and your family.

St Catherine's does really good work, my mum used to help out there.

Who knows what that flash was. . . there are many things we do not understand.

The main thing is that you remember your Aunt and honour her memory.

Love & My Thoughts,
Chris x


Active member
Oct 5, 2004
im like herpes....never quite fcuk hoff!!!
Condolences to you n yours xx

I think dave hit the nail on the head realy, if something out of the ordinary happens at the time its some sort of comfort knowing they have gone to a better place.

My grandad passed away also 2 weeks ago days before his birthday, my mums put a lovely picture of him on the table and put a lit candle infront of it on his birthday and that night while she was watching tv she just happened to look at the pic and on the wall there was a clear shadow the shape of an angel, she even took a pic of it on her fone it was that clear!!

Im a firm believer in life after death and lights flickering or doors randomly opening is just a sign that they are still with us.