Aye wiggid this is Was buzzin to find the origin of 'Every week mate, every week' from Hardcore Uproar - High on hope sample on here LOL n then even more amazed to find out it was a guy who was on the mic on occasion @ Hazy LOL Essential viewage this I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a proper vd copy if Mr Welly would / could do em - I'd even break a lifetime's habit n pay for it
Aye wiggid this is Was buzzin to find the origin of 'Every week mate, every week' from Hardcore Uproar - High on hope sample on here LOL n then even more amazed to find out it was a guy who was on the mic on occasion @ Hazy LOL
Essential viewage this I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed a proper vd copy if Mr Welly would / could do em - I'd even break a lifetime's habit n pay for it