Well the blackburn party's were set up and organised by a good number of people.....the main fella's were...the smith brothers namely tommy (who is in the clip there on the vid) tony creft.DJ's there a few of them too......welly did and john j, shack was a big blackburn name back then also ...yep there was a small fee to pay usually a few quid not much but that was mainly for the out of towners Were camera's invented in 89 ive never come across any actual photographs of the parties but itd ba ace to see some...mind you the footage here does the job
Well the blackburn party's were set up and organised by a good number of people.....the main fella's were...the smith brothers namely tommy (who is in the clip there on the vid) tony creft.
DJ's there a few of them too......welly did and john j, shack was a big blackburn name back then also ...
yep there was a small fee to pay usually a few quid not much but that was mainly for the out of towners
Were camera's invented in 89 ive never come across any actual photographs of the parties but itd ba ace to see some...mind you the footage here does the job