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well oldskoolkidder, we knew about the parties just through word of mouth and of course the flyers that kicked about.;)   there never seemed to be any real direction on the night - just get to a club (sett end and after that monroes) or onto Charnock and follow the convoy!!:D :D

How many of those warehouses are still standin today?  Be a good day out driving round tryin to find em all again... (how sad is that, it'll be train spottin next, lol:$ :D )

As the parties went on the dj's changed quite a lot, a couple of my mates had a go, especially at the party in Brownside Mill in Burnley:cool:

I know what you mean about seeing your youth tho, it was noted how much my legs hurt after the legends do on Sunday night (OUCH!!), not as easy to "jack yer body" these days...

...........who knows tho, maybe one day we'll all find ourselves climbing through a warehouse window again!!!!

Yes please!!:love: :love: :love: