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I faaaaaaaaaakin love it :thumbsup:

It's an unashamed screamer & all the better for no pretensions about being that :)

I defy anyone not to smile when you hear that piano drop thru :D \o/

@ Ed - yep deffo sampled from Charvoni - Always there - the pella is this issue

birrova Shoomapella (c) classic this.... love scratchin/bangin the pella over Lennie De Ice - We R IE then droppin out to the pella only & then bringin in BIR over the top so you get the nice intro & both vocals bouncing off each other :thumbsup: attached is snip from an old PR set to give you an idea (I was fooked after Hazy mind :fekked: )

/edit I know the vocals on the male backing is off key to the piano lol shame that as it spoils the effect - I know it will make Jammers skin itch n bring him out in hives lol ;)