Yesterday i wrote my car off in the morning, resulting in a touch of lower trunk whiplash, sprained wrist and a cut hand. Still had to go to work where i got a handslap for being too nice to patients "you are here to treat patients, not be their friend"!
A patient died in the afternoon that i had built up a freindship with, so i was upset at that. When i returned home i discovered my chickens had been attacked by a (i presume) fox, so they are dead.
This morning i was delivered divorce papers from my husband, i knew it was coming but it still felt crap. And about half an hour ago my kitchen ceiling collapsed and i now have a very dangerous looking hole.
Beat that if you can!
A patient died in the afternoon that i had built up a freindship with, so i was upset at that. When i returned home i discovered my chickens had been attacked by a (i presume) fox, so they are dead.
This morning i was delivered divorce papers from my husband, i knew it was coming but it still felt crap. And about half an hour ago my kitchen ceiling collapsed and i now have a very dangerous looking hole.
Beat that if you can!