Can males and females ever be platonic friends?

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New member
Sep 6, 2003
lastnightadj said:
Just out of interest what was the film? :p

:rofl: :rofl: lol that was on your mind after reading through all this? Lol only equal to that question would be to ask if she was a colourist or stylist at the hairdressers! :)

Oh and it was the new scary movie one :)


New member
Aug 1, 2003
Amelie said:
:rofl: :rofl: lol that was on your mind after reading through all this? Lol only equal to that question would be to ask if she was a colourist or stylist at the hairdressers! :)

Oh and it was the new scary movie one :)

Oh when were they going.. I am off to see it at weekend ! :p


New member
Nov 6, 2002
Biskit said:
my t'other half should never have to go and watch a film with another man, we do things together coz thats what partners/best friends do.

Here here!

Plus...if anyone has a shit night out just cos the films crap, then maybe their with the wrong partner. Its the company that counts , not the film.

An lets have it right, if the films poo, theres plenty of other things yer can be doin in a darkened room to keep amused! :p


New member
Sep 6, 2003
Yes but i strongly belive in individuals having space within a relationship, your not just a 'couple' your the people you were before you got together, both with perhaps different ways of enjoying spending your leisure time. It doesnt make you any less valid as a partnership if you do things that are not in constant conjunction with each other.

In fact it sounds like hell to me to only go on nights out/ holidays with my partner, i love doing things with friends.

I agree that it is the company not the film that makes the night, but i really wouldnt want someone to come with me if its not there thing, i would have a much better time going with someone who i knew was into it, male or female.

I would have no worries of my boyfreind going to the cinema to watch something i didnt fancy, even if the work colleauge was female. As long as i had been invited and declined, that i cannot see that it is any different them him going with a male freind. Its about trust and repect, i know i have no worries. :)